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  • 1.  Interaction Attendant - Audit profile

    Posted 05-20-2016 15:38
    Hi, Is there any way that we can check the Interaction Attendant audit trail ( ie who changed what and when ) ? Thanks, Nick.

  • 2.  RE: Interaction Attendant - Audit profile

    Posted 05-20-2016 17:40
    Originally posted by NickK;33491
    Hi, Is there any way that we can check the Interaction Attendant audit trail ( ie who changed what and when ) ? Thanks, Nick.
    No audit trail you can look in App logs for event 21000 and see who published it and when. But that does not say what they changed. I use a handler to catch every time a publish happens and export the the attendant (full backup ATT) and name it the date time and user who published. Then you can load them in and check difference manually. You can fire off handler on an DS change and verify its the attendant (what i do now) or fire and event off the app log message (in a handler or through windows) and have a batch file launch attendant and do an export. %1 is me passing in the user who published the attendant. You could use this and assign it as a task to fire off when event id 21000 happens for a simple task. I actually use a handler and multiple batch files converted to EXE and monitor the whole process and have monitoring on it. Here is my batch script: echo OFF for /f "delims=" %%a in ('wmic OS Get localdatetime ^| find "."') do set dt=%%a set datestamp=%dt:~0,8% set timestamp=%dt:~8,6% set YYYY=%dt:~0,4% set MM=%dt:~4,2% set DD=%dt:~6,2% set HH=%dt:~8,2% set Min=%dt:~10,2% set Sec=%dt:~12,2% %1 set stamp=%YYYY%-%MM%-%DD%_%HH%-%Min%-%Sec% if exist %ININ_TRACE_ROOT%\Attendantbackup goto E if not exist %ININ_TRACE_ROOT%\Attendantbackup mkdir %ININ_TRACE_ROOT%\Attendantbackup goto E :E set exportatt=%ININ_TRACE_ROOT%\Attendantbackup\Attendant-%stamp%_%1.att D:\I3\IC\Server\InteractionAttendantU.exe /u=USERNAME /p=PASSWORD /oe /fullexport=%exportatt% Eventcreate /T information /id 210 /so "Attendant Backup" /l Application /d "Attendant Configuration Successfully backed up to %ININ_TRACE_ROOT%AttendantBackup " exit

  • 3.  RE: Interaction Attendant - Audit profile

    Posted 05-03-2017 22:31
    Ryan, I really this idea of performing automated backups. I played around with your script and it is mostly working. The only problem I found is that I can't use the offline edit option that you are specifying. In offline edit mode you can export attendant. So I excluded that and I can make it work.. However, most of the time when attendant is published someone will be logged into Attendant and have a lock, so i can't figure out a way to make this work. Are you able to export from attendant in offline edit mode? Perhaps this is something that is broke in newer versions. Hal.
    Originally posted by Ryan_H;33493
    No audit trail you can look in App logs for event 21000 and see who published it and when. But that does not say what they changed. I use a handler to catch every time a publish happens and export the the attendant (full backup ATT) and name it the date time and user who published. Then you can load them in and check difference manually. You can fire off handler on an DS change and verify its the attendant (what i do now) or fire and event off the app log message (in a handler or through windows) and have a batch file launch attendant and do an export. %1 is me passing in the user who published the attendant. You could use this and assign it as a task to fire off when event id 21000 happens for a simple task. I actually use a handler and multiple batch files converted to EXE and monitor the whole process and have monitoring on it. Here is my batch script: echo OFF for /f "delims=" %%a in ('wmic OS Get localdatetime ^| find "."') do set dt=%%a set datestamp=%dt:~0,8% set timestamp=%dt:~8,6% set YYYY=%dt:~0,4% set MM=%dt:~4,2% set DD=%dt:~6,2% set HH=%dt:~8,2% set Min=%dt:~10,2% set Sec=%dt:~12,2% %1 set stamp=%YYYY%-%MM%-%DD%_%HH%-%Min%-%Sec% if exist %ININ_TRACE_ROOT%\Attendantbackup goto E if not exist %ININ_TRACE_ROOT%\Attendantbackup mkdir %ININ_TRACE_ROOT%\Attendantbackup goto E :E set exportatt=%ININ_TRACE_ROOT%\Attendantbackup\Attendant-%stamp%_%1.att D:\I3\IC\Server\InteractionAttendantU.exe /u=USERNAME /p=PASSWORD /oe /fullexport=%exportatt% Eventcreate /T information /id 210 /so "Attendant Backup" /l Application /d "Attendant Configuration Successfully backed up to %ININ_TRACE_ROOT%AttendantBackup " exit

  • 4.  RE: Interaction Attendant - Audit profile

    Posted 05-31-2019 00:12
      |   view attached
    Well 2 years later i get back to this Offline edit mode has broken many times and on 2018R4 it works via command line but not through the UI.  When it has broken I have removed the lock in my handler, kicking the publisher out after a publish not the best method but i have a structured parameter to switch between the 2 modes since the /OE switch has broken on my multiple times and each time i had to get it fixed from Genesys.   

     But I actually moved to a full audit table now which i attached an example. it still has some manual pieces like the notes entry in attendant but i am working on a full Audit trail still. Looking to see if I can package it up in the future as a package solution to sell on the marketplace someday.

    Ryan Hedlund

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