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  • Hey everyone! We're excited to drop the newest episode of the Genesys Cloud Community Q&A Show that will provide you with all the details you need to know about SMS. SMS (texting) regulations are changing all the time, so much so, ...

  • Hello Community! Do you set up queues with members from multiple divisions? If so, would you be willing to join me for a quick exploratory call? If email works better, please feel free to reach me at ...

  • We have developed a VoiceBot for a client by activating the Google Dialogflow CX Add-On (Genesys Reseller), and all consumption and usage information regarding quotas and limits of our Dialogflow project has disappeared. This information is crucial for ...

  • Good Morning! If you accept an interaction and "skip" the interaction, it will be considered complete - unless you have multiple phone numbers on that account. It should be skipping it at the phone number level, not record level. If you have two, ...

  • Hi Soubhash, We've passed the steps my following the recommandations.We have succeded in completing the installation. The issue that we are having now is that after receiving the process complete message and after the reboot of the server, it is like ...

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