Genesys Multicloud

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  • 1.  Delete Emails and/or Email Attachments

    Posted 01-10-2019 15:24
    We need to delete email attachments that are sent to us by customers that contain sensitive information. I have been informed by Genesys PS that it is not possible to delete email attachments from inbound email interactions. Genesys' guidance is to delete the entire contact which then not only deletes the attachment but deletes ALL interactions and the contact. If anyone has a workaround or has found that it is possible to delete attachments from inbound emails, please let me know.

    #System Administration

    Dan Fontaine

  • 2.  RE: Delete Emails and/or Email Attachments

    Posted 01-11-2019 11:04

    I am just spit balling here, but could you handle this prior to emails entering Genesys with 'Transport/Mail Flow rules that run on the server side. Not knowing anything about your company's email setup, this maybe pointless.

    Byron Nelson
    Customer Ops System Administrator
    OGE Energy Corp
    PureEngage Cloud since 2015

  • 3.  RE: Delete Emails and/or Email Attachments

    Posted 01-17-2019 11:58

    I would suggest opening a ticket with customer care.

    Given the individual interaction IDs (and care can help with that), it should be possible to delete the individual interactions from the Contact database without affecting all interactions linked to the contact. This would take some database intervention.

    I believe it may even be possible to remove the attachment and leave the interaction in tact. This will also require custom database scripts.

    Hope this helps,

    Kiko Mengual
    Genesys - Employees

  • 4.  RE: Delete Emails and/or Email Attachments

    Posted 04-24-2022 20:44
    You can look at a more advanced email app for Genesys Cloud:

    Maksim Gill
    Eccentex, Inc.

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