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Idea: Ability to change the date format

  • 1.  Idea: Ability to change the date format

    Posted 10-29-2017 19:34

    Not everyone lives in the US so having the ability to use something other than MM/DD/YYYY would be great

  • 2.  RE: Idea: Ability to change the date format

    Posted 10-31-2017 19:30

    Hi, Will,


    I sent this idea over to our Product team. Having that flexibility would be a great feature!




  • 3.  RE: Idea: Ability to change the date format

    Posted 05-21-2018 19:45
    Please can we check the status of this request? Australia customers are also asking for this i.e. have historic reports in australia locale date format day/month/year.

    Blair Wilkinson
    CVT (Global) Pty Ltd

  • 4.  RE: Idea: Ability to change the date format

    Posted 05-22-2018 05:26
    Hi everyone.

    I'm also interested on this. In Portugal/Europe we also use date format day/month/year, so if every date were in this format, instead of MM/DD/YYYY, it would be great.

    Best regards,
    Ana Laia

    Ana Laia

  • 5.  RE: Idea: Ability to change the date format

    Posted 11-09-2018 12:53
    Do we have any update on this request

    Ninette Elashry
    Tykans Group Inc

  • 6.  RE: Idea: Ability to change the date format

    Posted 11-09-2018 13:12
    Currently this idea has only three votes in the Ideas Lab:

    That is nowhere near enough interest to prompt Product Management to implement it.

    You can vote for it, and track progress, on the Ideas Lab site.

    (You should also encourage other people to vote for it...)

    George Ganahl CCXP, GCA
    Principal Program Manager

  • 7.  RE: Idea: Ability to change the date format

    Posted 09-26-2019 03:03
    The link above is dead. It surprises me that there are less complaints about the american date format for English speaking European countries especially since excel does not recognize the american date format used in the xlsx exports.

    Will Breen
    ARI Services Europe Limited

  • 8.  RE: Idea: Ability to change the date format

    Posted 09-26-2019 03:35

    great idea ! I would also add that I would like the same for the Scripts data input component.
    Currently, when you use the date input script component, the date format is MM/DD/YYYY.

    We would like to have DD/MM/YYYY.

    Kind regards.

    Nathan Tossens
    AXA Belgium S.A.

  • 9.  RE: Idea: Ability to change the date format

    Posted 09-26-2019 09:46
    If you search the Ideas Lab for "date format" it comes up with several Ideas.

    The one that currently has the most votes is

    George Ganahl GCP (PureCloud) ICCE CCXP
    Principal Technology Consultant

  • 10.  RE: Idea: Ability to change the date format

    Posted 10-08-2019 08:45
    Hi All,

    All of my European customers are requesting this feature too.  I have voted for the idea but it is "Not Currently Planned" so not much use.  Do we know if this will be re-evaluated?

    Thanks Luke

    Luke Mitchell
    G3 Comms Ltd

  • 11.  RE: Idea: Ability to change the date format

    Posted 10-09-2019 16:44
    I've asked a few people in New Zealand to vote for this oversight as well. Hopefully that will help.
    Shame it is still just an idea given this thread was started on the 10th of Febrember 2017.

    Angus Huckle
    Spark NZ Trading

  • 12.  RE: Idea: Ability to change the date format

    Posted 10-10-2019 11:37
    Let's get more people to vote for the idea!

    Gordon Thomson

  • 13.  RE: Idea: Ability to change the date format

    Posted 10-10-2019 16:26
    I think I have found the issue! Despite actually being 11272kms away (that's, 7004 miles), Genesys thinks I am in the US. :-)

    Angus Huckle
    Spark NZ Trading

  • 14.  RE: Idea: Ability to change the date format

    Posted 10-10-2019 22:14
    Glad to see this idea is still going strong! 
    Genesys say we're not allowed to brigade idea voting, but maybe that's the only way we can get their attention??

    Will Bellerby
    Pyrios NZ Ltd

  • 15.  RE: Idea: Ability to change the date format

    Posted 10-14-2019 08:55
      |   view attached
    You can always get around it by using the text to columns function in excel once you've exported the report, easy way to select whichever date format you want- the example attached is for US - UK dates.

    Gordon Thomson


  • 16.  RE: Idea: Ability to change the date format

    Posted 10-14-2019 10:23
    Thats an option for exporting but ideally it would be possible in the UI.  Also for all users their call history is in that format which can be confusing for many of them!

    Luke Mitchell
    G3 Comms Ltd

  • 17.  RE: Idea: Ability to change the date format

    Posted 10-14-2019 10:28
    I completely agree - just thought that until it's resolved it would be a way to work it, we normally pull all of our data in a different fashion and have to carry this out so i though it might be helpful to pass it on until it's resolved, (I have voted for this as a product improvement! :-))

    Gordon Thomson

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