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NEW - Native Gamification and redesigned employee hub for off-queue tasks (watch video)

  • 1.  NEW - Native Gamification and redesigned employee hub for off-queue tasks (watch video)

    Posted 02-24-2021 11:26

    Genesys Cloud just released native Gamification for performance management and a redesigned, employee-centric Activity UI to all GC3 licenses.

    The Activity
     area provides personalized, one-click access to all the information an agent needs while off-queue, including:

    • Day's Schedule at a Glance
    • Overall Performance and Personal Bests
    • Performance Scorecards & Leaderboards to understand how performance compares to peers' and past trends
    • Upcoming Coaching and Training sessions

      Watch this short video to learn more about this release!

      Ready to enable this for your org? Visit About Performance Management and Gamification in the Resource Center for additional information on set up, or watch this tutorial for a quick guide on how to enable:


      Sara Vallejo

    • 2.  RE: NEW - Native Gamification and redesigned employee hub for off-queue tasks (watch video)

      Posted 02-24-2021 20:45
      Hi Sara,

      This is great - I've just been demoing this to one of our customers and they're super excited! 

      Assuming this is the initial release, will there be any options around applying the gamification profiles to specific users? For example, we don't want Sales agents competing with Service agents because they have different sets of goals. There currently seems to be just the default profile and no ability to create new ones.

      Also, hoping there will be some views/filters which can be saved so supervisors can view their own teams etc. 


      Will Bellerby
      Pyrios NZ Ltd

    • 3.  RE: NEW - Native Gamification and redesigned employee hub for off-queue tasks (watch video)

      Posted 02-24-2021 21:41
      Edited by Vaun McCarthy 02-24-2021 21:56
      Agreed, should be ideally able to create multiple profiles and potentially associate them in a Group (you can only split the view of the leaderboards by division at the moment) or maybe even through the org structure by picking team leaders/supervisors.  Looks great but yes the reality is we'd end up with two or more completely unrelated groups of users competing where their activities are not common and it's not always possible to just split them into a division.

      Hopefully this is already on the roadmap and isn't waiting for someone to create a bunch of ideas around it :)

      Vaun McCarthy
      NTT New Zealand Limited

    • 4.  RE: NEW - Native Gamification and redesigned employee hub for off-queue tasks (watch video)

      Posted 02-25-2021 10:37
      Hi @Vaun McCarthy and @Will Bellerby,

      Happy to hear you're already taking advantage of this new capability! Support for multiple gamification profiles per organization is on the roadmap, as well a number of additional releases for gamification like additional performance metrics, game mechanics, reporting functionality​, and more.

      If you're not already a part of the WEM Community, I invite you to join - we'll continue to share information on everything gamification and employee engagement and performance.


      Sara Vallejo

    • 5.  RE: NEW - Native Gamification and redesigned employee hub for off-queue tasks (watch video)

      Posted 03-01-2021 12:55
      This is literally the ONLY place that specifically mentions that this feature is for GenCloud 3. None of the articles mention this.

      Angel R.

    • 6.  RE: NEW - Native Gamification and redesigned employee hub for off-queue tasks (watch video)

      Posted 03-01-2021 13:32
      Edited by Shikha Khattar 03-01-2021 13:32
      Thanks for sharing feedback, @Angel Rodriguez. We will update our documentation to reflect this.​

      Shikha Khattar
      Genesys - Sr. Product Manager- WEM

    • 7.  RE: NEW - Native Gamification and redesigned employee hub for off-queue tasks (watch video)

      Posted 03-03-2021 06:29
      Hi there
      Regarding the mention of additional performance metrics in future releases. Just curious - any sneak peaks as to what those might be? I'd love to see a wrap code metric, specifically a count of identified wrap codes,

      Emily Kammerer
      Ascendium Education Group, Inc.

    • 8.  RE: NEW - Native Gamification and redesigned employee hub for off-queue tasks (watch video)

      Posted 03-12-2021 17:00
      Hi Emily - Great to see the excitement. Wrap code is an interesting one, we have not yet explored that one! 

      We are exploring adding External Custom Metrics (e.g. Sales, NPS etc.), Quality Evaluation Metrics, Speech & Text Analytics Metrics.


      Shikha Khattar
      Genesys - Sr. Product Manager - WEM

    • 9.  RE: NEW - Native Gamification and redesigned employee hub for off-queue tasks (watch video)

      Posted 03-13-2021 04:35
      Hi @Emily Kammerer just curious are you meaning here a count of actual wrap up codes vs a timeout/default one being assigned?  Or some way to track if the correct wrapup code was used in calls?​

      Vaun McCarthy
      NTT New Zealand Limited

    • 10.  RE: NEW - Native Gamification and redesigned employee hub for off-queue tasks (watch video)

      Posted 03-15-2021 06:24
      Hi @Vaun McCarthy
      I was thinking of wrap code counts, as a means of measuring call outcomes. In my ideal world, the specific wrap codes could be defined (so some but not necessarily all). I seem to recall reading somewhere in the community that there was hesitancy in using wrap codes in gamification as agents could 'fake' the results, but I don't feel that's a reason to exclude them as agents could fake most things and I would hope that such things would be identified through a QA process or other means. My supervisors are really interested in allowing the agents the ability to see where their wrap code totals rank compared to their peers in real time.​

      Emily Kammerer
      Ascendium Education Group, Inc.

    • 11.  RE: NEW - Native Gamification and redesigned employee hub for off-queue tasks (watch video)

      Posted 03-09-2021 14:23
      I agree. We were excited about gamification. Unfortunately, it lists all employees on the leaderboard, even those who don't participate in the same metrics.  For us, it appears to not be useful unless we can specify which users are part of gamification and then also sort them into groups so they are competing for common goals unique to each group.

      Mark Kastner
      Gate 1 Travel

    • 12.  RE: NEW - Native Gamification and redesigned employee hub for off-queue tasks (watch video)

      Posted 03-02-2021 02:29
      Edited by Regina Arocha 03-02-2021 02:51

      Hi Sara,

      The Gamification feature is really a cool idea.

      In our organization we have a lot of part-time employees. Thus, they will automatically have fewer points than employees that work full-time. Is there something planned to adjust the points to the workload? 

      Happy to hear from you. 




    • 13.  RE: NEW - Native Gamification and redesigned employee hub for off-queue tasks (watch video)

      Posted 03-02-2021 11:30
      Hi Regina - Thanks for sharing feedback.

      We have an upcoming feature (custom gamification profiles) on roadmap that would solve this problem for you. With that, you can segregate and group your employees into different profiles and have targeted metrics per profile. This way you can set different targets for part time employees vs full-time employees. 

      Hope this helps.

      Shikha Khattar
      Genesys - Employees

    • 14.  RE: NEW - Native Gamification and redesigned employee hub for off-queue tasks (watch video)

      Posted 03-02-2021 15:40

      Can we please have a definition for "punctuality"? 
      I'd assume this is what we all know as "adherence", although it could also refer to being on time at the start of the day (a lateness metric would also be great by the way).


      Will Bellerby
      Pyrios NZ Ltd

    • 15.  RE: NEW - Native Gamification and redesigned employee hub for off-queue tasks (watch video)

      Posted 03-02-2021 17:14
      Edited by Shikha Khattar 03-03-2021 07:40
      Hi Will - It's available on the gamification support documentation page on resource center. Check out select and manage metrics page under this - 

      Shikha Khattar
      Genesys - Employees

    • 16.  RE: NEW - Native Gamification and redesigned employee hub for off-queue tasks (watch video)

      Posted 03-03-2021 07:39
      Hi Will - Definition is available on the gamification support documentation page on resource center. Check out select and manage metrics page under this -  - And, yes, Punctuality is not same as Adherence

      Shikha Khattar
      Genesys - Employees

    • 17.  RE: NEW - Native Gamification and redesigned employee hub for off-queue tasks (watch video)

      Posted 03-03-2021 12:45

      For a supervisor profile for gamification will be only available in a future release?   Is there any way at the moment to view the agents' ranking from a supervisor or administrator profile?

      Martin Bunting
      i3Vision Technologies Inc.

    • 18.  RE: NEW - Native Gamification and redesigned employee hub for off-queue tasks (watch video)

      Posted 03-04-2021 08:18
      Edited by Shikha Khattar 03-04-2021 08:41
      Hi Martin - If you are asking whether as a supervisor you can access your org's agents ranking in the leaderboard, then yes that is possible. Please navigate to "Performance -> Agents" and you should be able to find leaderboard tab in there. Make sure you have all the right permissions enabled. Check out gamification resource center article for more info - About performance management and gamification - Genesys Cloud Resource Center   - See section 'Start Gamification' for details on permissions.

      Shikha Khattar
      Genesys - Employees

    • 19.  RE: NEW - Native Gamification and redesigned employee hub for off-queue tasks (watch video)

      Posted 03-10-2021 03:00
      Edited by Hichem Agrebi 03-10-2021 03:03
      I am greatly missing the concept of team supervisor. A supervisor is a role in Genesys Cloud but there is no way to configure a group of agents and restrict supervisor visibility to that team only.  The grouping of agents should be somehow not specific only to gamification but should apply to reporting, WFM as well.
      Is the planned team features going to be applicable to gamification as well? Also the fact that a user can only be part of one team may be restrictive for the supervisors themselves as typically in real contact center life a supervisor would have a backup to monitor his/her team whilst away and that shouldn't require much configuration if a supervisor had an easy way to see only his team and configure a backup when needed.
      The leaderboard is filtered only by division today.


      HIchem Agrebi
      Orange SA

    • 20.  RE: NEW - Native Gamification and redesigned employee hub for off-queue tasks (watch video)

      Posted 03-09-2021 23:52
      Hi There, 
      Great concept, however the punctuality metric doesn't allow for awarding points if an agent logs on early. Is there a way to configure it so if an agent logs in early that they get points. I now have team members that are holding off logging on and setting up early so that they can get points for being "on time" which is not ideal 


      Jason Pratt
      Noosa Shire Council

    • 21.  RE: NEW - Native Gamification and redesigned employee hub for off-queue tasks (watch video)

      Posted 03-10-2021 00:37
      When it comes to punctuality/conformance/adherence anything that's put in needs to be configurable.

      While Jason's idea about points for early login may be needed in his org, some of our customers have strict policies for agents to NOT log in earlier.  Then when it comes to adherence, as there are exception thresholds for this, those should probably be honoured within this gamification system too - if they aren't already.

      Vaun McCarthy
      NTT New Zealand Limited

    • 22.  RE: NEW - Native Gamification and redesigned employee hub for off-queue tasks (watch video)

      Posted 03-15-2021 00:37
      Agree and that seems to be the issue with the current punctuality metric, it isn't configurable in its "metric type" or in the ability to allow for a negative exception range.

      Jason Pratt
      Noosa Shire Council

    • 23.  RE: NEW - Native Gamification and redesigned employee hub for off-queue tasks (watch video)

      Posted 04-23-2021 08:34
      Edited by Shikha Khattar 04-23-2021 08:37
      Hi Jason & Vaun - Thanks for the feedback. Would you be able to elaborate a bit more on what type of configurability needs you have for punctuality metric type? If you could also share a use case that would greatly help as well.

      Shikha Khattar
      Genesys - Sr. Product Manager - WEM

    • 24.  RE: NEW - Native Gamification and redesigned employee hub for off-queue tasks (watch video)

      Posted 04-26-2021 21:05
      For punctuality in my organisation we want to reward people for being logged on and on queue on time... this means that many will log on prior to their start time. Therefore logging on 30seconds+ early benefits us and the agent should get points for doing so. so the metric needs to be able to acknowledge sign ins prior to start time, like a negative metric result is acceptable.

      Jason Pratt
      Noosa Shire Council

    • 25.  RE: NEW - Native Gamification and redesigned employee hub for off-queue tasks (watch video)

      Posted 04-27-2021 08:42
      I see. That's interesting. Thanks for sharing the use-case. Do you have any use case where it would be opposite i.e. if an agent is late to an activity or misses it completely but due to a valid business reason. Would you want to give points for any such exception scenarios?

      Shikha Khattar
      Genesys - Sr. Product Manager - WEM

    • 26.  RE: NEW - Native Gamification and redesigned employee hub for off-queue tasks (watch video)

      Posted 04-27-2021 18:42
      Nope i say stuff em... if they are late they get nothing! but we don't want to penalise them for being early. 

      Also they seem to lose points if they have to use a status outside of their schedule... such as "Tech issues", "Adhoc training" or other such codes where they may not be initially rostered for that status.

      Jason Pratt
      Noosa Shire Council

    • 27.  RE: NEW - Native Gamification and redesigned employee hub for off-queue tasks (watch video)

      Posted 04-26-2021 21:10
      Is there a way that Leaderboard can me moved to an option within the Performance drop down so supervisors can easily see how agents are performing? current way to view leaderboard feel clunky especially when trying to go back and forth to different agents.

      Jason Pratt
      Noosa Shire Council

    • 28.  RE: NEW - Native Gamification and redesigned employee hub for off-queue tasks (watch video)

      Posted 04-27-2021 08:50
      Edited by Shikha Khattar 04-27-2021 08:51
      Hi Jason - Could you elaborate your flow for navigation in a bit detail so we can get some insight on where it feels clunky.

      There are few ways you can navigate -
      • Performance > Agents > Leaderboard tab
      • Performance > Agents > Click on Agent name in the list > Agent's Scorecard
      • Agent Activity > Leaderboard tab (This is more geared for agents though i.e. their activity screen)
      Upon clicking on any of the agent names in leaderboard, it will take you to their individual scorecards where you can view their detailed performance. 

      Where do you see yourself getting stuck?

      Shikha Khattar
      Genesys - Sr. Product Manager - WEM

    • 29.  RE: NEW - Native Gamification and redesigned employee hub for off-queue tasks (watch video)

      Posted 04-27-2021 18:48
      Yeah the first two are the ways we navigate, its just hard to get the team leader enthusiastic about it and while they are trying to monitor and manipulate the queue and agents 2 or 3 clicks to get to the leader board is just out of mind for them. 
      perhaps another tab in the queue activity area as this is where the supervisors/team leaders spend most of their day. 

      Jason Pratt
      Noosa Shire Council

    • 30.  RE: NEW - Native Gamification and redesigned employee hub for off-queue tasks (watch video)

      Posted 04-28-2021 08:59
      Edited by Shikha Khattar 04-28-2021 12:55
      I see. Thanks for the feedback. Reason why it is placed under performance is under the assumption that supervisors would want to look at leaderboards more when they are reviewing agent performance / other stats and not while they are working on something else (in your example working on queues). May be for now, they could open up two browser tabs so it's not couple clicks away while we figure out ways to improve this.

      Hope this helps.

      Shikha Khattar
      Genesys - Sr. Product Manager - WEM

    • 31.  RE: NEW - Native Gamification and redesigned employee hub for off-queue tasks (watch video)

      Posted 03-25-2021 08:37
      Edited by Regina Arocha 03-25-2021 09:19

      We wanted to test the gamification function in our organization with a few employees before we roll this out for the whole organization. Is there a way to reset all the points. It would be really useful if everyone would have 0 points. I already tried to delete the "Performance Manager Admin" Role and to set it up again, but it remembered all the history. 

      Thanks in advance for your response, 


    • 32.  RE: NEW - Native Gamification and redesigned employee hub for off-queue tasks (watch video)

      Posted 03-30-2021 14:16

      Hi Regina - It's an upcoming feature on roadmap - Ability to set start date/ reset gamification points! Stay tuned.


      Shikha Khattar
      Genesys - Sr. Product Manager - WEM

    • 33.  RE: NEW - Native Gamification and redesigned employee hub for off-queue tasks (watch video)

      Posted 04-06-2021 22:53
      Hello @Shikha Khattar do you have any indication on when the next round of updates for Gamification will be released?​

      Will Bellerby
      Pyrios NZ Ltd

    • 34.  RE: NEW - Native Gamification and redesigned employee hub for off-queue tasks (watch video)

      Posted 05-10-2021 23:46
      Hello @Shikha Khattar do you have any indication on when the next round of updates for Gamification will be released?​

      We've got a customer who'd like to go live with this prior to June but only once the new profiles feature is available.


      Will Bellerby
      Pyrios NZ Ltd

    • 35.  RE: NEW - Native Gamification and redesigned employee hub for off-queue tasks (watch video)

      Posted 05-11-2021 09:27
      Hi Will - 

      We are targeting end of Q3 / beginning of Q4. We should have a more firm date later this quarter. I would also encourage you to follow Genesys Ideas lab to vote up and keep up to date with what's next / upcoming for gamification. 

      For updates on custom profiles specifically - you can watch this idea - 


      Shikha Khattar
      Genesys - Sr. Product Manager - WEM

    • 36.  RE: NEW - Native Gamification and redesigned employee hub for off-queue tasks (watch video)

      Posted 04-21-2021 18:50
      Hi Regina - We have now launched the ability to reset points by resetting the gamification start date. Let us know how it goes and if you have any feedback.

      Shikha Khattar
      Genesys - Sr. Product Manager - WEM

    • 37.  RE: NEW - Native Gamification and redesigned employee hub for off-queue tasks (watch video)

      Posted 04-22-2021 10:45
      Hi Shikha, 

      Thank you for the information. We will try it and I will get back to you. 

      Best regards, 

      Regina Arocha
      Zurich Insurance Group

    • 38.  RE: NEW - Native Gamification and redesigned employee hub for off-queue tasks (watch video)

      Posted 05-19-2021 11:30

      Hello Community Members,

      Thanks for the great engagement on this thread.

      We would like to invite you to take a survey about employee reward and recognition within the contact center environment. The survey will take less than 10 minutes to complete. Your feedback and participation are invaluable to help us learn more so we can make enhancements to improve the Genesys Cloud experience.

      Survey Link:

      Please feel free to share with any colleagues with different roles within your company.

      #Genesys Cloud
      #Performance Management
      #Rewards and Recognition
      #Workforce Engagement Management

      Shikha Khattar
      Genesys - Sr. Product Manager - Workforce Engagement Management

    • 39.  RE: NEW - Native Gamification and redesigned employee hub for off-queue tasks (watch video)

      Posted 05-26-2021 14:45

      Hello again Genesys Cloud Customers,

      We contacted you previously about taking a survey on employee rewards and recognition within the contact center environment. If you've already taken the survey, thank you so much! If not, we request you to please take a few minutes to respond to this survey.

      Also, we'd love to hear more from the agent's perspective. Could you please forward the survey link: to agents on your teams and request if they could take the survey as well? 

      The survey will take less than 10 minutes to complete and allows us to include and consider the agents' voices (in addition to managers) when making future enhancements to the Genesys Cloud experience. 

      NOTE: Survey closes on June 2nd.

      Thank you again for your participation.

      Shikha Khattar
      Genesys - Sr. Product Manager - Workforce Engagement Management

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