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  • 1.  Is it possible to bulk Export External Contacts from GenesysCloud

    Posted 01-26-2021 02:47
    Customer wanted to export the bulk external contact for editing purpose, I have not seen any option do that.
    please let me know how we can achieve this.

    Santhosh Koroth

    Santhosh Koroth
    Cognizant Technology Solutions

  • 2.  RE: Is it possible to bulk Export External Contacts from GenesysCloud

    Posted 01-26-2021 07:44
    Edited by Santhosh Koroth 01-26-2021 07:46
    Yes,It is possible, the customer records was around 30k and customer want it in .csv format, we have used below code to export the contacts. 

    // Import built in libraries needed.
    const fs = require('fs');
    const csv = require('fast-csv');

    // Set Genesys Cloud objects
    const platformClient = require('purecloud-platform-client-v2');
    const apiClient = platformClient.ApiClient.instance;
    // API Instances that will be used to fetch external contacts, organizations, notes and relationships from Genesys Cloud
    const contactsApi = new platformClient.ExternalContactsApi();

    // OAuth Client Grant Credentials
    const apiClientId = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx';
    const apiClientSecret = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx';
    const apiClientRegion = '';
    const organizationsId = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx';

    // Script Sample Settings
    // - Maximum number of records we will request per "page" when using the External Contacts Scan API endpoints (10 to 200)
    const maxRecordsPerPage = 100;
    // - Force the script to make a pause between 2 consecutive API requests (to control/prevent API Rate limit)
    // i.e. Minimum time between 2 API requests
    const minAPIRequestInterval = 500;
    // i.e. If there is a pause to make (processing time < minAPIRequestInterval), the pause will be at minimum minWaitTime
    const minWaitTime = 50;
    // - Define a maximum number of retries (for API Rate Limit rejects)
    const maxRateLimitRetryAttempts = 2;
    // - Settings for Export to file (CSV or RAW)
    const fieldSeparator = ',';
    const exportType = 'CSV';

    // Global vars
    var writeStream, csvStream;
    var consecutiveRateLimitRetryAttempts = 0;

    * Login, Scan Objects

    //#region Login, Scan

    // Login using Client Credentials Grant (returns: true (success), false (failure))
    const login = async () => {

    try {

    let creds = await apiClient.loginClientCredentialsGrant(apiClientId, apiClientSecret);

    console.log('Login Success. Token will expire at: ', creds.tokenExpiryTime);

    return true;
    catch (error) {
    console.error('Login error - Error:', JSON.stringify(error, null, 2));

    return false;

    // Perform an External Contacts Scan API request and manage errors (429)
    const scanContacts = async (cursor) => {

    // Defining the default values for the result structure
    let result = {
    error: false,
    errorMsg: "",
    entities: [],
    isEmpty: true,
    isFinished: true,
    nextCursor: null,
    startTime: 0

    try {
    result.startTime =;

    let opts = {
    'limit': maxRecordsPerPage
    // No opts.cursor on first scan - cursor == null
    if (cursor) {
    opts.cursor = cursor;

    // External Contacts Scan API request
    let scanData = await contactsApi.getExternalcontactsScanContacts(opts);
    // If the request is successful, we analyze the response

    // The response may contain an empty "entities" array in certain conditions (congestion on database, contacts deleted before the request was performed, ...)
    if (scanData.entities && scanData.entities.length > 0) {
    result.isEmpty = false;
    result.entities = scanData.entities;

    // If the response contains an "after" attribute inside "cursors" (cursors.after), then, there are still some External Contacts (data) to retrieve
    // When the response does not contain an "after" attribute inside "cursors", it means it is the last page of scan
    if (scanData.hasOwnProperty("cursors") && scanData.cursors.hasOwnProperty("after")) {
    result.isFinished = false;
    result.nextCursor = scanData.cursors.after;

    // Reset of some global vars - counters for retry
    consecutiveRateLimitRetryAttempts = 0;

    return result;
    catch (error) {
    console.log('External Contacts Scan error - Error:', JSON.stringify(error, null, 2));

    if (error.status && error.status === 429) {
    // API Rate Limit - Max number of API requests per minute reached
    // Exit Application if too many consecutive retry failures
    if (consecutiveRateLimitRetryAttempts >= maxRateLimitRetryAttempts) {
    result.errorMsg = "Max consecutive API Rate Limit. Exiting...";
    result.error = true;
    return result;
    } else {
    // Extract retry-after header value (seconds) from the 429 error
    let retryAfter = 0;
    if (error.headers && error.headers.hasOwnProperty("retry-after")) {
    retryAfter = parseInt(error.headers["retry-after"]);
    } else {
    result.errorMsg = "Failed to retrieve Retry-After. Exiting...";
    result.error = true;
    return result;
    // Add 1 second (for "safety")
    let retryIn = (retryAfter + 1) * 1000;
    // Pause execution
    await new Promise((resolve, reject) => setTimeout(resolve, retryIn));


    // Try to request the same data again (current value of cursor)
    let retryScanData = await scanContacts(cursor);
    return retryScanData;
    else {
    // 400 Bad Request - ex: cursor invalid/expired
    // 401 Unauthorized - ex: Invalid token, Token expired
    // and other errors
    result.errorMsg = "Unexpected Error. Exiting...";
    result.error = true;
    return result;


    * Main

    (async () => {

    if (maxRecordsPerPage < 10 || maxRecordsPerPage > 200) {
    console.error('Parameters Error: maxRecordsPerPage must be between 10 and 200, default is 100...');

    // Login
    let isLoggedIn = await login();

    if (isLoggedIn == false) {
    console.error('Login Failure. Stopping Application...');

    try {
    console.log("Starting export of External Contacts at: " + new Date(;

    // Open write stream for file output
    let output_filename;
    let firstWrite = true;

    if (exportType === 'CSV') {
    console.log("Export to CSV");
    output_filename = "GenesysCloud_ExternalContacts_Export_" + ( + ".csv";
    // We will export to a csv format - so we will need a first line with the column/header names we want to export
    csvStream = csv.format({ headers: ['id', 'modifyDate', 'firstName', 'lastName', 'workPhone', 'workEmail', 'externalOrganizationId', 'surveyOptOut'], delimiter: fieldSeparator });
    writeStream = fs.createWriteStream(output_filename);
    } else {
    console.log("Export to Raw JSON");
    output_filename = "GenesysCloud_ExternalContacts_Export_" + ( + ".json";
    // We will export to a raw json format (JSON Array) - so we will need to open the JSON array
    let headerString = "[";
    writeStream = fs.createWriteStream(output_filename);

    // Starting API scan of External Contacts
    let isCompleted = false;
    // First scan - cursor = null
    let currentCursor = null;

    while (isCompleted === false) {
    console.log("Scan External Contacts - cursor: ", currentCursor);
    let scanResult = await scanContacts(currentCursor);

    if (scanResult.error === false) {
    if (scanResult.isEmpty === false) {
    // Process current data (filter, transform, write)
    // Note: filter - You can implement a filter condition here and decide if the entity is to be printed (proceed) or not (return)
    // Note: transform - You can manipulate the entity attributes to create the desired string to be printed

    if (exportType === 'CSV') {
    // CSV
    if (writeStream && csvStream) {
    for (let entity of scanResult.entities) {
    // For each entity element, print a line (CSV)
    if(entity.externalOrganization && == organizationsId){
    let csvrow = [( ? : ''), (entity.modifyDate ? entity.modifyDate : ''), (entity.firstName ? entity.firstName : ''), (entity.lastName ? entity.lastName : ''), (entity.workPhone ? entity.workPhone.e164 : ''), (entity.workEmail ? entity.workEmail : ''), (entity.externalOrganization ? : ''), (entity.surveyOptOut ? entity.surveyOptOut.toString() : 'false')];
    } else {
    // RAW JSON
    if (writeStream) {
    let entitiesString;
    if (firstWrite) {
    firstWrite = false;
    // The entities array is converted to a string, removing first and last character ([ and ])
    entitiesString = JSON.stringify(scanResult.entities).slice(1, -1);
    } else {
    // If some entities have already been printed before, it is necessary to add a "," separator between printed data and new data to print
    entitiesString = "," + JSON.stringify(scanResult.entities).slice(1, -1);


    let elapsedTime = - scanResult.startTime;
    console.log("Execution of scan - Start At: " + (scanResult.startTime).toString() + " - Duration: " + elapsedTime.toString() + " ms");

    if (scanResult.isFinished === true) {
    // Last Data was received (no nextCursor) and export is finished
    isCompleted = true;
    } else {
    // Force a pause before next scan (to avoid loading org/token unnecessarily - API rate limit)
    let forcedDelay;
    if (elapsedTime < minAPIRequestInterval) {
    forcedDelay = minAPIRequestInterval - elapsedTime;
    // For safety - under 50 - set 50ms
    if (forcedDelay < minWaitTime) {
    forcedDelay = minWaitTime;

    await new Promise((resolve, reject) => setTimeout(resolve, forcedDelay));

    // currentCursor variable is updated with the received next cursor
    currentCursor = scanResult.nextCursor;
    } else {
    // Error - we interrupt application
    isCompleted = true;
    isInterrupted = true;
    console.error("Export of External Contacts has been interrupted - Reason: ", scanResult.errorMsg);

    // Write Footer for Contacts (if necessary) and close stream
    if (exportType === 'CSV') {
    // CSV - No footer to write when exporting to a csv file
    if (csvStream) {
    if (writeStream) {
    } else {
    // RAW JSON - Footer to close the JSON array
    let footerString = "]";
    if (writeStream) {

    console.log("Finishing export of External Contacts at: " + new Date(;

    catch (error) {
    // Error - We interrupt application's processing
    console.error("Unexpected error during export of External Contacts. Interrupting application - Error: ", error);


    Santhosh Koroth
    Cognizant Technology Solutions

  • 3.  RE: Is it possible to bulk Export External Contacts from GenesysCloud

    Posted 01-26-2021 09:03

    This the code from the following tutorial in case someone needs explanations:

    Actually, the code you have posted above is not the one which got published. The version you are showing was still in reviews/comments. Not sure why you used this one - always better to use the version which got approved and published.
    Code here:


    Jerome Saint-Marc
    Genesys - Employees

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