Hi Darryn,
I saw your response for the message "SIP Phone with error AoR for the station was not registered" for a hardphone, but as commented, I am experimenting this also for a softphone for Linux, named Blink.
The softphone registers fine, and if I dial through it numeric pad, it calls pretty fast and well.
The problem arises when trying to recall or even call from the Purecloud Dashboard, and also via API.
The AoR problem comes out.
PD=Despite we have 2 Edges, as a generic SIP phone, it only registers to 1 EDGE.
Thank you in advance.
Martin Cernadas
BBVA Banco Francés S.A.
Original Message:
Sent: 12-17-2018 18:34
From: Darryn Chang
Subject: SIP Phone with error AoR for the station was not registered
In the early days we had similar issue but on a softphone. It came down to uninstalling and re-installing the phone.
Also check which Edge if more than 1 is available is the phone registering too and compare with other devices.
Check to ensure the MAC ID is not being used by another phone.
Is there SIP trunk documentation? If so confirm if AoR was required to be registered
Are the time and date settings correct in accordance to the network connection?
There is a logfile i believe associated with the phone within the users machine under temp files, if you haven't already raise a case to support that would be your a good option.
Worst case its a faulty phone
Darryn Chang
Stuff Limited
New Zealand
2 Years Purecloud
Original Message:
Sent: 12-17-2018 04:25
From: Oudderhem Mostafa
Subject: SIP Phone with error AoR for the station was not registered
We have a problem with the Polycom SIP Phone, it cannot make or receives the calls, we got the below error:
" The connection attempt to the station failed because the specified AoR for the station was not registered in the system"
However, we can see the Phone is registered to the Edge correctly under "Phone Management"
We have did many actions to resolve this issue but with no success, like delete, reset and recreate the phone ....
Please any idea what can be the issue ?
Note: all other phones (with the same config) of the other users are working fine
Thank you in advance.