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  • 1.  Optimize breaks and reschedule in WFM after changes?

    Posted 10-04-2020 02:57
    Edited by Matt Lawson 05-09-2022 09:31
    Where you guys have manually made changes to a shfit, ie added time-off, inserted new activities after the schedule is published, what is your process for reoptimizing breaks and shifts at that point?  The reschedule option from what I read is more geared at being used if something is modified in the short term forecast. 

    So for example if you add time-off for someone who's called in sick, do you have to manually go through that day for other agents adjusting their break/meal activities then save and republish?  Seems like that would cause a re-shift of people at very short notice which isn't ideal or acceptable. Or, if I'm following things right, when you do the reschedule you simply uncheck the on-queue/off-queue activities and only select the break type activities as well as selecting all the agents you want to adjust to account for the "missing" agent for that day?

    I thought I came across a comment from a few years ago saying there were features being added to take care of re-optimization, but admittedly I don't find it.

    Initiate an intraday reschedule - Genesys Cloud Resource Center

    You can perform an automated intraday rescheduling operation to incorporate manual changes made to the short-term forecast associated with the schedule. This option reoptimizes the shift start and length times, and the activity start times.

    In this case I'm not changing the short-term forecast at all.

    • The system only reschedules existing shifts. If an agent was not part of the shift's work plan when the schedule was originally created, then the agent is eligible for rescheduling
    If an agent was not part of a work plan, how can they be eligible for rescheduling?  I'd have thought they wouldn't have been scheduled to begin with in the first publish.  Or is this sentence related to an agent who is moved to a different work-plan after the schedule is published?

    #Ask Me Anything (AMA)

    Vaun McCarthy
    NTT New Zealand Limited

  • 2.  RE: Optimize breaks and reschedule in WFM after changes?

    Posted 10-05-2020 08:12
    Rescheduling will re-optimize shift start and length times along with activity start times even in the absence of short-term forecast modifications. So, adding/removing folks, adding time offs, etc. would benefit in a followup of a rescheduling run to re-optimize things.

    The sentence you highlighted from the doc under the Notes section above is missing a 'not'. If the agent that exists was not part of a work plan, then they are not eligible for rescheduling. We do have a feature in progress that will allow for scheduling agents during a reschedule that have a work plan that are not currently scheduled at all int the schedule (think about transferred agents or new hires).

    Jay Langsford
    Senior Director, Workforce Optimization Engineering

  • 3.  RE: Optimize breaks and reschedule in WFM after changes?

    Posted 12-01-2020 20:42
    Edited by Matt Lawson 05-09-2022 09:32
    Hi Jay

    Just coming back to this and specifically your last sentence there.

    What is the timeline for this feature about scheduling agents during a reschedule that were not previously scheduled?  

    Is the current work around to manually add agents then run a reschedule but only select the new agents unless you want to shuffle breaks around for all agents who may be impacted by the new hires?

    Vaun McCarthy
    NTT New Zealand Limited

  • 4.  RE: Optimize breaks and reschedule in WFM after changes?

    Posted 12-03-2020 11:23
    Hi Vaun,

    We just received release approval for this feature ( today, so it will be globally enabled Wed, 09-Dec around 9AM EST. will eventually be updated (I believe this is usually done on Fridays) with information regarding this and other features we'll be enabling next week.

    Then next Wednesday morning around 9AM EST there will be information posted here: with links to new/updated resource center articles.

    Jay Langsford
    Senior Director, Workforce Optimization Engineering

  • 5.  RE: Optimize breaks and reschedule in WFM after changes?

    Posted 12-03-2020 22:44
    Thanks Jay - looking forward to that one.

    Vaun McCarthy
    NTT New Zealand Limited

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