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  • 1.  Embedded Client question

    Posted 04-09-2021 06:30
    Hi. Using the embedded client Chrome extension we are able to screen pop a URL as described in this article:

    Screen pop in the Genesys Cloud browser extensions - Genesys Cloud Resource Center (

    However, when using the dedicated embedded client for Salesforce this feature isn't working. Does anybody know why or can help to make it work? It's a really useful feature that would enhance the Salesforce integration.

    Many thanks,
    Kris Lowe

  • 2.  RE: Embedded Client question

    Posted 04-11-2021 20:35
    Hi Kris,

    The Salesforce for Genesys Cloud embedded client uses a slightly different method of generating the screen pop, and is documented here:

    You need to use the SF_URLPop custom attribute, but you should then be able to do what you need. If you are still having issues feel free to send through some additional information about the issue and I'll see if I can help you out further.

    Gareth James

  • 3.  RE: Embedded Client question

    Posted 04-19-2021 08:32
    Edited by Kristofer Lowe 04-19-2021 08:32
    Hi Gareth,

    Thanks but that doesn't solve my problem. The SF_URLPop attribute opens up a specific page within SF. What I want to to is open up any URL. This possible with the embedded client Chrome extension. I want to do this using the Salesforce for Genesys Cloud embedded client. Do you have any other ideas?


  • 4.  RE: Embedded Client question

    Posted 04-20-2021 08:53
    The Salesforce client only opens records inside of Salesforce, either via search parameters or via the Salesforce URL.  If you're wanting to modify the behavior of the screenpop, you would need to look at the client extension points, documented here:, although i'm not 100% certain that you could call browser functions to open a new tab from there.

    Richard Schott
    Genesys - Employees

  • 5.  RE: Embedded Client question
    Best Answer

    Posted 04-20-2021 16:49
    Hi Kris,

    If you have a script associated with your interaction and configure the start page of that script with a Page Load Action that opens a URL, you can open a URL that way. I only tested with a hard coded URL but you should be able to pass the URL as a parameter from Architect. The agent does not need to select the script, the URL should open automatically. Worth noting I have the Interaction pane in the Utility bar and am using Salesforce Lightning.


    Stephen Walter
    Genesys - Employees

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