Thank you to all of the AppFoundry Pitch Competition participants! I really enjoyed reading/watching everyone's submission – they were all unique, enlightening and engaging.
After voting closed on Friday night, I tallied the 97 votes that were received, and I would like to congratulate the following winners:
Congrats! Each winner will receive a 1-month Essentials App feature on the AppFoundry homepage in the month of November.
Thank you again!
Marie Nakos
Marketing Manager - Genesys AppFoundry
New York, NY
Original Message:
Sent: 09-23-2021 09:19
From: Marie Nakos
Subject: The AppFoundry Community Pitch Competition
AppFoundry Pitch Competition
The AppFoundry team invites you to participate in the AppFoundry Pitch Competition. AppFoundry partners will enter a quick pitch of their solution, and Genesys Community users will vote on their favorite. The pitch with the most "likes" or "comments" will be the winner!
For more information on the AppFoundry Pitch Competition, please see below:

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