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  • 1.  Add Priority to a Voicemail

    Posted 08-05-2013 16:06
    We are currently running 4.0 SU3 and when a customer sits in queue after a period of time they are prompted to either leave a callback request, voice mail, or stay on the line. We would like to have the ability to give the voice mail a higher priority. I have looked in Attendant and thought I could use the "Set Attribute" option, I am just not sure of what the actual attribute name would be? Would it be simply "Priority"? Or is there another way of achieving this? Thanks, Andrew

  • 2.  RE: Add Priority to a Voicemail

    Posted 09-17-2013 13:37
    Which Handler creates the voicemail? Is there a customization point in here where I could set the Custom_AcdPriority attribute? Thanks, Andrew

  • 3.  RE: Add Priority to a Voicemail

    Posted 09-17-2013 13:44
    It depends...you'll need to explain a little more on what you are doing with the voicemail. It sounds like you are monitoring the mailbox that receives the voicemails, then routing the voicemail as an email attachment to an agent (our system does not route "voicemail" - we route the email that has the voicemail attachment). If that is the case, then you have to set priority wherever you initiate that email routing from, either Interaction Attendant or a handler. how is that routing initiated on your system?

  • 4.  RE: Add Priority to a Voicemail

    Posted 09-18-2013 20:00
    We are giving customer's the option to leave a voicemail if they are waiting in queue. We use the "Transfer to Voicemail" operation in Attendant to accomplish this. This transfers the voicemail to the workgroup queue. Since some of our workgroups are given a higher priority, we would like to also give this priority to the voicemail. Let me know if I need to explain it better. Thanks, Andrew

  • 5.  RE: Add Priority to a Voicemail

    Posted 09-18-2013 20:36
    Unfortunately, what you describe is impossible with our products :-) The Transfer to Voicemail actually sends the call into the voicemail system, where it is recorded and put in a mailbox. From there the system would have to be monitoring the mailbox to pull it into ACD. Interaction Attendant's Transfer to Voicemail operation is unable to send the voicemail directly into ACD. So, you'll need to explore a bit further to find out what is monitoring the mailbox associated with the workgroup (I am guessing that Routing is configured on the ACD tab of the Workgroup configuration for that workgroup), then see if it is a Custom type or ACD type workgroup (which determines where to modify the behavior). Or, it's possible there is an EMail Attendant profile set up to monitor the mailbox.

  • 6.  RE: Add Priority to a Voicemail

    Posted 09-19-2013 17:53
    GGanahl, We have setup users for each workgroup that are basically named "Voicemail WorkgroupName", each of these users has an Interaction Message Store assigned to them. Then on the Workgroup Configuration tab, we have set the "Mailbox User" to the associated "Voicemail WorkgroupName" user. So it should be routing from the Interaction Message Store of the associated voicemail user for the workgroup. The workgroups are set to have ACD Routing, not Custom. Thanks, Andrew

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