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  • 1.  Max lenght of ACD-session in shift

    Posted 02-21-2017 14:25
    Hi, anyone know of a way to set maximum and minimum lenght of ACD-activity when building a shift? I can set thoose options for all other activities but ACD-time Is added by the system from an optimal planning perspective. In this case our agents have a limit of 2 hours a day on phones and whould like to enter a cap for that. Anyone know of an option to achive this? Regards Johan

  • 2.  RE: Max lenght of ACD-session in shift

    Posted 02-22-2017 13:25
    Or does everyone know how to add a standard basic activity other than ACD? Unsheduled or something to fill the non ACD parts of the woring day.

  • 3.  RE: Max lenght of ACD-session in shift

    Posted 02-22-2017 15:52
    You can add non-ACD activities the same way you add activities for breaks and lunches.

  • 4.  RE: Max lenght of ACD-session in shift

    Posted 02-23-2017 07:34
    Originally posted by Chuck R;34829
    You can add non-ACD activities the same way you add activities for breaks and lunches.
    Ok Chuck, what we are after Is a way to limit how much ACD-time that can be sheduled for a single co-worker during a given day. For instance: Mondays between 1-3 hours of ACD-time depending on staffing needs Thusday 1-2 hours Wendsday 0-2 hours Thursday 0-2 hours Friday 0-2 hours All time other than ACD Is really unplanned (up to the co-worker to plann for themself). We dont whant to go into fixed Schedules If that can be avoided. Any suggestions?

  • 5.  RE: Max lenght of ACD-session in shift

    Posted 02-23-2017 10:26
    Originally posted by jobr;34838
    Ok Chuck, what we are after Is a way to limit how much ACD-time that can be sheduled for a single co-worker during a given day. For instance: Mondays between 1-3 hours of ACD-time depending on staffing needs Thusday 1-2 hours Wendsday 0-2 hours Thursday 0-2 hours Friday 0-2 hours All time other than ACD Is really unplanned (up to the co-worker to plann for themself). We dont whant to go into fixed Schedules If that can be avoided. Any suggestions?
    Can "Default activity type" be changed to something different than ACD? Non-ACD for instance?

  • 6.  RE: Max lenght of ACD-session in shift

    Posted 02-24-2017 23:48
    Default activity type cannot be changed. It is always ACD. The only way you could give a variable amount of ACD time would be to reverse engineer your activities. In other words let Optimizer select your variable Non-ACD time, breaks and lunch and what is remaining would be your scheduled ACD time.

  • 7.  RE: Max lenght of ACD-session in shift

    Posted 02-27-2017 12:11
    Originally posted by Chuck R;34853
    Default activity type cannot be changed. It is always ACD. The only way you could give a variable amount of ACD time would be to reverse engineer your activities. In other words let Optimizer select your variable Non-ACD time, breaks and lunch and what is remaining would be your scheduled ACD time.
    Thanks Chuck, the idea of "reverse engineer your activities" Is intresting and something I have considered. The problem we are facing then Is that you have to anchor thoose activities to actual time or relative to start of shift and also give them a set time. That limits the use of system picking the optimal time for the 1-2 hours of ACD time we whant to plan. Exampel: During a day we can use a agent for 2 hours of ACD and rest of day Is Non-ACD. We can fool the system with a 6 hour Non-ACD activity and that will leave 2 hours of ACD time. The problem though Is that time will be placed at the start of the shift or at the end. We whould like the system to be able to choose what time the 2 hours of ACD whould be best spent and make the rest of the day Non-ACD. Any obvious way of doing this with "reverse engineer your activities" that I'm missing? :)

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