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  • 1.  Speed Dial Images in Interaction Connect

    Posted 11-16-2017 16:43
    Interaction Connect help states that it's possible for administrators to decide whether or not speed dial views should include photos or not (see this link), but for the life of me I cannot find any documentation on the HOW to do that. Any help is appreciated. Thanks

  • 2.  RE: Speed Dial Images in Interaction Connect

    Posted 11-16-2017 18:27
    Unfortunately the documentation is incorrect in this instance. However we are currently working on a fix for this that should allow you more control over the display of speed dial entries.

  • 3.  RE: Speed Dial Images in Interaction Connect

    Posted 11-16-2017 19:12
    Originally posted by Andy Kauffman;36300
    Unfortunately the documentation is incorrect in this instance. However we are currently working on a fix for this that should allow you more control over the display of speed dial entries.
    Sorry to contradict, Andy, but I got it to work fine in 2018 R1 by following the instructions at https://help.genesys.com/cic/mergedProjects/wh_ia/desktop/optional_general_server_parameters.htm I created the optional Server Parameter named INTERNAL_USER_PIC_URL and set it to a URL hosted by my web server with proper permissions to allow the folder to be accessed, put a .png file in there named for one of my users, created a Speed Dial page in Interaction Connect, added that user to the speed dial, and the picture came up in the speed dial page as it should. I presume the INTERNAL_USER_LOCATION_PIC_URL optional Server Parameter would work as well. Unless, of course, you were talking about more granular control over individual speed dial entries?

  • 4.  RE: Speed Dial Images in Interaction Connect

    Posted 11-16-2017 19:29
    I believe EZS is referring to the fact that the help document indicates you can remove the image altogether. If you remove that server parameter the user profile image just shows a default image, but does not go away. The help also indicates that the view is responsive and the image will go away if the view is resized to a smaller size. However that does not currently work either.

  • 5.  RE: Speed Dial Images in Interaction Connect

    Posted 11-16-2017 19:29
    George, My question was about disabling the image all together, I want the speed dials to not show that circle and take up so much space like the image on the right. [ATTACH]902[/ATTACH]

  • 6.  RE: Speed Dial Images in Interaction Connect

    Posted 11-16-2017 20:04
    Got it. Sorry, y'all...I read the help article, and it doesn't actually say in writing that you can remove the circle with no image, and I wasn't thinking about the picture that showed speed dial without the large graphic. I read it all backwards, thinking you couldn't get the picture to show in the first place.

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