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  • 1.  How to get information about if the Schedule is active or not in handlers

    Posted 12-14-2016 15:40
    Hello everyone, I am looking for a way to find if the schedule is active or not from handlers. I don't see get schedule or get best schedule giving that info. Is there a way we can get this using get ds keys or any other tool step? Thanks.

  • 2.  RE: How to get information about if the Schedule is active or not in handlers

    Posted 12-14-2016 15:51
    What do you mean by "active"? That would help shape an answer. (Get Schedules brings back a list of Schedules to consider, which only includes Schedules that have the Active check box checked, but could be System schedules from IA or Interaction Attendant schedules or both, and limited by Profile or keyword...lots of options in the tool step. Get Best Schedule selects the one that is best match for the current date/time...so the one that is "active" for the current date/time)

  • 3.  RE: How to get information about if the Schedule is active or not in handlers

    Posted 12-14-2016 16:06
    In IA, when a schedule is checked as active, i would like to get that information in handlers. In handlers, Get schedule is retrieving schedules that are not checked as active. In order to overcome this i am looking for something in handlers that can get me if a schedule is checked as active or not. Right now i am using a keyword to get the schedules and schedule class is normal. Also under get best schedule i am using match type as best.

  • 4.  RE: How to get information about if the Schedule is active or not in handlers

    Posted 12-14-2016 16:14
    Ok. For Interaction Administrator the schedules are stored in the Registry under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Interactive Intelligence\EIC\Directory Services\Root\Indy HQ\Production\Schedules\ You can use GetDsAttr at the CONFIG level, add the rest of the path for \Schedules\[name of the schedule] and get back the "Active" attribute, which will be either Yes or No.

  • 5.  RE: How to get information about if the Schedule is active or not in handlers

    Posted 12-14-2016 18:58
    Thanks george. This is what i am looking for. I am now able to get a value for if a schedule is active or not.

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