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  • 1.  ICBM Line Queue Interaction Count Display N/A

    Posted 08-30-2017 19:37
    Anyone know why the interaction count would display N/A in the Line Queue View? I have a couple of lines that will not show the number of interactions on a line queue, all my other lines show a valid number of interactions. [ATTACH]865[/ATTACH] 2017 R1, Patch 11

  • 2.  RE: ICBM Line Queue Interaction Count Display N/A

    Posted 08-31-2017 15:56
    Is it maybe how the line is configured in CIC? Have you compared your line settings between a line that does show statistics and a line that does not? Looking at one of my systems I do see a couple of my lines show N/A as well. In my case the lines show N/A because they are not activated, maybe your line that is showing as N/A is also not activated.

  • 3.  RE: ICBM Line Queue Interaction Count Display N/A

    Posted 09-01-2017 18:58
    Originally posted by MarkT;35746
    Is it maybe how the line is configured in CIC? Have you compared your line settings between a line that does show statistics and a line that does not? Looking at one of my systems I do see a couple of my lines show N/A as well. In my case the lines show N/A because they are not activated, maybe your line that is showing as N/A is also not activated.
    That was the first thing I checked. The lines are configured exactly the same as working ones. They are both activated. Jim.

  • 4.  RE: ICBM Line Queue Interaction Count Display N/A

    Posted 10-05-2017 18:35
    I have a similar issue with my Active Email count in Interaction Statistics in the Business Manager. I have a switchover pair in my Test environment and my counts go NA when I'm on the other server. I have over a thousand emails in the test server. Business Manager log: Uri=inin.system.interaction:ActiveEmails at 10/5/2017 1:46:00 PM - value is Int: Id=ININ.System.Interaction:ActiveEmails, Val=0, IsNull=True, IsError=False. Adding to 1 minute and 5 minute queues. Thanks Guy 2017R2_P6 in Test.

  • 5.  RE: ICBM Line Queue Interaction Count Display N/A

    Posted 10-05-2017 19:44
    Guy, just checking...do you have the Mail Interaction Recovery Enabled Server Parameter created and set to 1?

  • 6.  RE: ICBM Line Queue Interaction Count Display N/A

    Posted 10-05-2017 20:39
    George, We sure do. Also, I just did another switchover and Active emails = N/A there too. Found this in Session Manager: StatWatchCache::watch_stats() : strStatId = 'inin.system.interaction:activeemails', we will pass inin.system.interaction:activeemails to stat-alert-server. However, searching for the noun: email or emails in Stat-Alert-Server brings up nothing at verbose. Guy

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