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  • 1.  Differences in CallDetail and IAgentQueueStats

    Posted 05-27-2009 22:45
    Kind readers, Consider the following two bits of JET SQL: SQL 1: SELECT dbo_CallDetail.LocalUserId, dbo_CallDetail.CallDirection, Sum(IIf([calldirection]="Inbound",1,0)) AS Inbound FROM dbo_CallDetail WHERE (((dbo_CallDetail.ConnectedDate) Between #5/1/2009# And #5/1/2009 23:59:59#)) GROUP BY dbo_CallDetail.LocalUserId, dbo_CallDetail.CallDirection HAVING (((dbo_CallDetail.LocalUserId)="john.doe")); This query returns 52 calls. SQL 2: SELECT dbo_IAgentQueueStats.cName, Sum(dbo_IAgentQueueStats.nAnsweredAcd) AS SumOfnAnsweredAcd FROM dbo_IAgentQueueStats WHERE (((dbo_IAgentQueueStats.dIntervalStart) Between #5/1/2009# And #5/1/2009 23:59:59#)) GROUP BY dbo_IAgentQueueStats.cName HAVING (((dbo_IAgentQueueStats.cName)="john.doe")); THIS query returns 140 calls. The tables live on MS-SQL Server 2005, and are ONLY accessable via MS-Access ODBC linking. I know, I know. But it's the way things are. :( Would anybody be able to point out why these two give such different answers? They should both return the same number, based on the layout of the tables and descriptions found in the data dictionary. Put shortly: Help?? :confused:

  • 2.  RE: Differences in CallDetail and IAgentQueueStats

    Posted 05-28-2009 14:02
    It looks like your first query is doing only inbound calls. nAnswered will pick up both inbound and outbound, both ACD and non ACD. RobertWC

  • 3.  RE: Differences in CallDetail and IAgentQueueStats

    Posted 05-28-2009 14:14
    Robert, Thanks for weighing in on this, but you mentioned that the second used nAnswered but it uses nAnsweredAcd. According to the data dictionary and "canned" reports from I3, this is the number of ACD related queue interactions that were answered by the agent. Hence my confusion. :confused: Thanks for the effort! Sincerely appreciated and hopeful that the answer has yet to reveal itself. :) -J

  • 4.  RE: Differences in CallDetail and IAgentQueueStats

    Posted 05-29-2009 13:09
    You might need to add <> 'Intercom' to the calldetail query since inbound in the calldetail can be both inbound from internal and inbound from external. You also need a way to identify only the ACD inbound in the calldetail since calldetail can contain both ACD and Non-ACD. Something else to consider is that the calldetail will post the call regardless whether or not the call is answered. Transfers also affect data in this table. An ACD call that is answered by one agent and then transferred to another agent will not show up in the calldetail at all for the first agent. Whereas it will show up twice, once for each agent in the iAgentqueuestats. I also noticed that you are not filtering your iAgentqueuestats query on cReportgroup = '*' and chkey3 = '*'. Without these filters you are most likey going to count duplicate records. Needless to say, these tables are not designed to mirror one another, but if your company does not do a lot of transferring and can find a way to identify ACD calls in the calldetail, you might be able to get closer.

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