Looks like we are getting some traction:
They have created SCR IC-155971. This was created to implement a code change to Interaction Voicemail Player that will disconnect either the player or the voicemail audio leg once the voicemail is done playing. Until this is put in place, they recommend the following.
First, there is an option in the voicemail player to play voicemail automatically, which will create a station audio leg immediately. I would recommend leaving this unchecked. Then make sure "Hang up Remote Number call when player is closed" will make sure the audio leg is closed when the player is closed. This will help with some of the voicemail camping:
The Sessions list will tell you who all is still connected to voicemail player and you can address those users specifically.
Next, you can see all users who are on Voicemail interactions that make them unavailable, and you can sort by name and see everyone on "Voicemail"
Call Activity view / Station Queues / sort by name and look for "Voice Mail"
Hope it helps,
Patrick Broderick
Diamond Resorts
Original Message:
Sent: 09-09-2019 10:06
From: Mark Tatera
Subject: acd routing and voicemail playback to physical phone
I've had customers experience this same issue. Ultimately we haven't figured out an easy way to do what you are looking to do. The problem is that the station is in use so ACD won't send calls to the user since it sees the station as in use. Way back (I think it stopped in 3.0) CIC use to log these voicemail calls to the CallDetail table (along as monitoring calls and Possibly playback of recordings) so it was easy to find these call logs for the users, show the user the proof, and correct the behavior. Sadly this does not seem to happen anymore, I've opened tickets to Gensys about this as you can see the system saved this info to the calllog log file but Tracker must not write these entries to the interaction Summary table. I do need to add the idea to the ideas website again but maybe if you also open a ticket with Genesys support about this maybe this will help the idea get traction.
Mark Tatera
Opinions are my own and not the views of my employer. Any suggestions or programming changes I suggest come with no warranty and should be tried at your own risk.
Original Message:
Sent: 09-06-2019 11:46
From: Patrick Broderick
Subject: acd routing and voicemail playback to physical phone
We have discovered some agents bypassing ACD calls on purpose by playing back voicemails and leaving the interaction connected to their phone. This will only allow chats, emails, etc.. to route to them or if they have a soft phone they will also route. Has anyone else experienced this issue? How can we allow playback of voicemails to physical phone and receive an ACD interaction simultaneously?
Patrick Broderick
Diamond Resorts