Hi Stacy,
Here's some learnings that we discovered with Callbacks:
1. Manual Answer agents and using Logical Step to check for 'Available agents'If your agents are using 'Manual Answer' for interactions, having a Logical step check for 'Available' agents offering a Callback (as per comment from
@Philip Last) will not always work correctly with legitimate calls not being offered a Callback.
Reason for this is that the Logical step in Attendant checking for 'Available agents' seems to look at whether any agents in the Workgroup are in the 'Available' status - but not whether they are actually ACD Available (i.e. based on their Utilisation score).
For for example:
- manual answer Agent goes into 'Available' status
- Interaction 1 already waiting in the Workgroup is offered to the Agent (alerting/ringing)_
- Interaction 2 still being processed in Attendant performs a Logical step to check Agent Available in the Workgroup (offer Callback if agent not available)
- Attendant tells the Logical step that agents are 'Available' in the Workgroup - so the step doesn't offer a Callback
- However when the Agent answers Interaction 1, they are 100% utilised and not actually ACD available
- Therefore Interaction 2 which should have been offered a Callback, was not offered one.
We soon found out that this was occurring in our setup, where calls were not being offered callbacks even though our wait times were 10+ minutes and staff where 100% occupied.
To work around this, we had to add another Logical step so that if Attendant says 'Agents available' then query the Workgroup if 'Interactions Waiting' as well:
Agent Available = 0 then offer Callback
Agent Available >= 1 and Interactions Waiting = 0 then don't offer Callback
Agent Available >= 1 and Interactions Waiting >= 1 then Offer Callback
In 99% of cases, this resolved the issue. Occasionally the system will offer a Callback when there really was someone Available (i.e. more staff are Available than the number of Interactions Waiting at the time the Attendant step checks).
2. Staff confusion of what a 'Callback' interaction was versus the separate 'Outbound call' interactionAgents took some time to understand that the 'Callback' interaction is essentially a 'virtual post-it note' with the details of the Customer to call back. The Callback window cannot control the call once it's been made, it has to be manually selected from My Interactions.
3. Staff not selecting the separate 'Outbound call' interaction to controlStaff initially thought by pressing 'Hold', 'Disconnect' and 'Private' in the Callback window would control the call - but this is incorrect. As mentioned above, the Outbound call has to be manually selected from My Interactions and then use the Call Control buttons outside of the Callback window.
4. Staff not disconnecting 'Outbound call' interaction after leaving a voicemail/messageSimilar to point 3, staff who pressed the Make call button but then reached a voicemail/message service would leave the message but then forget to actually Disconnect the Outbound call (and would just press the 'Retry Later' or 'Attempt Failed' button within the Callback window). This would then result in:
- consultant leaving a really long voicemail with them talking for the entire period
- going 'Available' but not receiving any new interactions (because the Outbound call is still in progress but it's hidden behind the disconnected Callback interaction until the disconnected interaction disappears), or
- all of a sudden an ''Call' appears in their My Interactions but without any audio = even though they didn't go into Available (because the Outbound call is still in progress but was hidden behind the disconnected Callback interaction until it disappears after 2 minutes - which then brings the Call to the front)
5. Screen recordings are not triggered by the 'Callback' interactionIf you're using Screen Recordings through Interaction Recorder - you won't get any recording occurring until the Outbound call triggers the recorder policy.
Therefore if you have staff disconnecting the Callback without making the Outbound call, there will be no Screen Recording of what happened. Additionally if you have staff not immediately making the Outbound Call, there won't be any Screen Recording between the period of time the Callback interaction was routed until the call was made (could be anywhere from 1 second to 10 minutes!).
6. Callbacks created outside of a Queue Operation cannot have an 'ACD Priority' assignedIf you're using ACD Priority value on your Group Transfers (Queue to Workgroup), Callbacks will only inherit the ACD Priority if they have been created within the Queue Operation step.
If you create a Callback request through any other Attendant operation (before the Group Transfer and not as a Queue Operation), you cannot set the ACD Priority. (Even if setting the Interaction Atttributes
Custom_ACDPriority or
Eic_AttDynamicWorkgroupPriority first and you've got the Server Parameter '
Callback Default Priority' set - the outcome will always be 0)
7. Reporting and real-time visibility is 'challenging'If you're offering a Callback to an Interaction that is already in the same Workgroup and the customer accepts, you'll end up with 2 Interactions showing as 'Offered' into the Workgroup reporting - and no easy way of determining which was which. You kind of have to use the 'Flow-outs' value to assume that most of the Flow-Outs where the Calls being converted to Callbacks - but it's not an exact number as 'Flow-outs' also occur if calls are manually cherry-picked from a Workgroup or a handler is de-queuing them (i.e. during an emergency).
Also unless you're looking at the list of interactions waiting and manually counting each Media type (i.e. Calls vs Callbacks), the real-time statistics for 'Interactions waiting' cannot be split by Media Type.
That's all I can think of right now :)
Jeff Hoogkamer
City of Gold Coast
Original Message:
Sent: 10-08-2019 14:03
From: Stacy Darling
Subject: Callback
We are looking to implement the callback feature, and we were looking for feedback from others that may have implemented this feature. Do you offer the option before it routes to the workgroup or once it is in queue? Do the callbacks route to a separate workgroup? If so, is the service level different between calls and callbacks? Any issues that you've encountered? Do you just have the customer enter the phone number or do they speak their name as well?
Any feedback you can provide would be appreciated.
Stacy Darling
Amica Mutual Insurance Co.