Thank you for everyone who has participated so far! One week left to upcycle your knowledge for a cool prize.
I honestly don't have a whole lot to say, but my jaw hit the floor when I was looking at results. Typically, we do trivia and are concerned that there will be a tie and then we have to figure out a way to do a tie breaker. For that reason, we try to make some of the questions challenging. Well, we may have set a new record for tough questions.
When I look at the results, I can see a bar graph of how people have answered and if I know the correct answer, I typically see that anywhere from 30-50% of people got the correct answer right. Well...NOT TODAY!
There is one question in the sustainability trivia that only ONE participant has guessed the correct answer. ONE.
No hints from me who said person is or which question it is, but GOOD LUCK on this challenge. Everyone else has one week to get their best guesses in!
Matt Lawson
Genesys - Employees
Online Community Manager