Thank you for your response. The issue has been resolved by the care.
Original Message:
Sent: 08-12-2024 05:21
From: Samuel Jillard
Subject: A email interaction stuck on the agent in the Assignment services.
Hi Mamadou
I would raise a case with care to check the logs as to what was causing the user not to receive interactions and if related to the incident, provide more details based on that.
When an interaction is stuck in assignment, it may still show as live for the user in the Interactions view, but if not then care would need to investigate.
Sam Jillard
Online Community Manager/Moderator
Genesys - Employees
Original Message:
Sent: 08-09-2024 06:35
From: Mamadou DIOP
Subject: A email interaction stuck on the agent in the Assignment services.
Good day,
Following the Genesys Global incident on 5 August 2024, we noticed that some agents were disconnected for 1 day. Since then, they had not received any interactions.
For one agent, we were able to disconnect the interaction in progress at the time of the incident. But for another, he wasn't in the middle of an interaction, and yet he hadn't received anything.
I had disconnected it, deactivated it, checked its configuration, and despite all these manipulations, it hadn't taken, any interaction and had remained in the queue for 24 hours.
Now everything is working. But I want to know how to detect if there was something blocked on the agent in the assignment services.
Thanks in advance for your answers.
Mamadou DIOP