Certification and Training

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  • 1.  Advice for a Fresher Aiming for Genesys Cloud Professional

    Posted 08-13-2024 14:48

    I'm new to Genesys and looking to earn my Genesys Cloud Professional Certification. What advice would you give to someone just starting out? Any tips on resources, study strategies, or key areas to focus on?


    Kartheesan Karnan
    CXPoint Cloud Consulting UK

  • 2.  RE: Advice for a Fresher Aiming for Genesys Cloud Professional

    Posted 08-14-2024 02:53

    Hi Kartheesan,
    The Genesys Cloud Professional Certification is best suited for technical roles responsible for administering, implementing, or developing the Genesys Cloud CX platform. It includes access to virtual, instructor-led training and a lab environment for testing.

    The Genesys Cloud CX: Professional Certification exam is designed to assess a candidate's knowledge of the Genesys Cloud CX platform. The exam tests the candidate's understanding of the Genesys Cloud CX interface, the configuration of its various components, and reporting metrics and data handling skills.

    The Genesys Cloud: Professional certification tests a candidate's knowledge of the following three areas of Genesys Cloud:

    • Genesys Cloud: Contact Center Administration
    • Genesys Cloud: Implementation
    • Genesys Cloud: Reporting and Analytics


    Here is a walkthrough of the certification guide: https://beyond.genesys.com/explore/certification/cloud#GCPGCX



    Kameshwaran Muniswaran
    Genesys - Employees

  • 3.  RE: Advice for a Fresher Aiming for Genesys Cloud Professional

    Posted 08-14-2024 05:54

    Hi Kamesh,

    Thank you for the information. I have reviewed the link and am interested in enrolling in the self-study program for the GCX-GCP certification.

    I have already signed up and accessed the Beyond portal. Could you please let me know if there is a direct link to subscribe, or if I need to go through the Support team for this?

    Thank you.

    Mohsin Sayyed
    Individual Only Contact Account

  • 4.  RE: Advice for a Fresher Aiming for Genesys Cloud Professional

    Posted 08-14-2024 07:10

    Hi Mohsin,

    Thank you for your request.
    We have forwarded your inquiry to our sales team.
    They will get back to you shortly.



    Kameshwaran Muniswaran
    Genesys - Employees

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