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  • 1.  Agent Assist Feedback

    Posted 08-18-2023 15:53

    I see this article for Agent Assist Feedback, can anyone tell me when it goes live?

    If it is live is it out for both voice and digital?  I am not seeing it in our testing of voice currently, but would love to have it.


    Daniel Cross
    Bright Horizons Family Solutions LLC

  • 2.  RE: Agent Assist Feedback

    Posted 08-21-2023 08:49

    Hi Daniel,

    I have just checked with the product team and they are looking to have the feature out late September / early October.


  • 3.  RE: Agent Assist Feedback

    Posted 12-27-2024 13:59

    We have multiple queues and when we transfer a call from one queue to another, we are seeing that the Agent Assist (AA) does not work.   I am looking to test this in our test environment next week, but wondering if anyone else had the same experience and is there a workaround?

    Judy Jimenez, Call Center Operations Manager
    CURE Auto Insurance

  • 4.  RE: Agent Assist Feedback

    Posted 12-28-2024 13:58

    "does not work" is a kind of vague description...can you give a bit more detail, please? 

    For example, summarization does not happen until the interaction ends, so if you transfer between queues the first agent has to let the interaction sit in ACW until the final agent is done, then the summary will show up for the first agent (last I checked),

    George Ganahl GCP, GCSME, ICCE, ICHD, etc.
    Senior Principal PS Consultant

  • 5.  RE: Agent Assist Feedback

    Posted 12-30-2024 07:45
    I think your comment might answer the question.  We rolled this out by queue, the call was answered in a queue where the Agent Assist is implemented, however, the queue receiving the transfer call does not have Agent Assist implemented yet, so the summarization is not being captured.  The agent in the AA queue, is moving onto the next call, so that is why it is "not working."  Thank you!

  • 6.  RE: Agent Assist Feedback

    Posted 12-30-2024 11:24

    If you transfer to another queue and this same queue is associated with Agent Assist, it will work, but be careful:
    - When transferring, you will only have the summary when the interaction is finalized at the last point; It is possible to obtain the summary if the transfer is with REFER but each transfer will be a new interaction! I think there is an idea for this scenario!
    - When transferring to a queue associated with another knowledge base, you will not be able to open the articles from that same knowledge base, only from the base to which the queue belongs;
    - To get around queues that are not associated and do not receive, you can create a knowledge base without articles, create an Agent Assist and associate the queues. But if the intention is really not to show this to the agents, then do not do it.

    I hope this helped

    Danniel Cioti

  • 7.  RE: Agent Assist Feedback

    Posted 12-30-2024 18:17

    Yeah, that confused me a bit the first time i tried the transfers. I don't think it is documented in the Resource Center.

    George Ganahl GCP, GCSME, ICCE, ICHD, etc.
    Senior Principal PS Consultant

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