"does not work" is a kind of vague description...can you give a bit more detail, please?
For example, summarization does not happen until the interaction ends, so if you transfer between queues the first agent has to let the interaction sit in ACW until the final agent is done, then the summary will show up for the first agent (last I checked),
George Ganahl GCP, GCSME, ICCE, ICHD, etc.
Senior Principal PS Consultant
Original Message:
Sent: 12-27-2024 13:58
From: Judith Jimenez
Subject: Agent Assist Feedback
We have multiple queues and when we transfer a call from one queue to another, we are seeing that the Agent Assist (AA) does not work. I am looking to test this in our test environment next week, but wondering if anyone else had the same experience and is there a workaround?
Judy Jimenez, Call Center Operations Manager
CURE Auto Insurance
Original Message:
Sent: 08-21-2023 08:49
From: Tracy Vickers
Subject: Agent Assist Feedback
Hi Daniel,
I have just checked with the product team and they are looking to have the feature out late September / early October.
Original Message:
Sent: 08-18-2023 15:52
From: Daniel Cross
Subject: Agent Assist Feedback
I see this article for Agent Assist Feedback, can anyone tell me when it goes live?
If it is live is it out for both voice and digital? I am not seeing it in our testing of voice currently, but would love to have it.

Daniel Cross
Bright Horizons Family Solutions LLC