I reached out to our Genesys partner and I believe it is related to having to add AI tokens to the account. Getting a demo lined up and going to talk through what that looks like. Thanks for the responses!
Blair Hansford
Unified Communications Manager
Original Message:
Sent: 12-04-2024 15:40
From: Vaun McCarthy
Subject: Agent Copilot options not showing up
Hi Blair, have you had the AI experience tokens billing loaded to your org?
Vaun McCarthy
Original Message:
Sent: 12-04-2024 11:11
From: Blair Hansford
Subject: Agent Copilot options not showing up
I am looking to start digging into agent copilot. When I go in to look through fields and follow any of the setup guides key items are missing. We are on CX3 licensing so I se we should have access. The Copilot admin role doesn't exist, the agent copilot tab under Contact Center is not there, etc. Is there somewhere I need to enable the feature before I can see the fields needed to setup?
Blair Hansford
Unified Communications Manager