Many thanks for Your response.
Of course, I voted for this idea.
In addition, when the time comes, can You send me the notification about "beta".
ITNAV-Pro Ltd.
Original Message:
Sent: 07-16-2024 03:28
From: Samuel Jillard
Subject: Agent Script - Terms & Conditions recording
Hi Yvgeni,
This is still in scoping stage and once this is completed we should be able to provide a target date. If you have voted/subscribed to the idea, you should receive a notification when the PM updates the idea.
Samuel Jillard
Online Community Manager/Moderator
Genesys - Employees
Original Message:
Sent: 07-16-2024 02:35
From: Yvgeni Liberman
Subject: Agent Script - Terms & Conditions recording
Do you have any "estimated time" for this feature?
All our clients demand this, and now this may be one of the reasons to "lose" the RFP.
Best regards,
Yvgeni Liberman
ITNAV-Pro Ltd.
Original Message:
Sent: 07-15-2024 09:32
From: Samuel Jillard
Subject: Agent Script - Terms & Conditions recording
Hi Robert
Here is the link to the Agent Greeting feature (currently being scoped for development) or there is also an idea for Ability to play "product disclosure" announcements via Script buttons that seems to meet the same needs you are querying and I would recommend voting on and adding your use case to the idea.
Samuel Jillard
Online Community Manager/Moderator
Genesys - Employees
Original Message:
Sent: 07-09-2024 01:19
From: Robert Niblock
Subject: Agent Script - Terms & Conditions recording
Hi Robert,
Is there more information about the agent greeting development you mention in the ideas lab, or elsewhere?
Secure flow seems to be the easiest implementation via a script, but it's a shame you cant allow it have the audio in that flow recorded. I understand for security reasons why it's masked, but for some uses like playing a recording of a message to a customer, there should be an option to not mask it.
Robert Niblock
Original Message:
Sent: 07-09-2024 01:08
From: Robert Wakefield-Carl
Subject: Agent Script - Terms & Conditions recording
This could be part of the new agent greeting development that has just stated. We have experimented with many ways of doing this mini-Maranda, but the Secure flow is the best so far as for ease of implementation and use by the agent.
Robert Wakefield-Carl
ttec Digital
Sr. Director - Innovation Architects
Original Message:
Sent: 07-05-2024 04:04
From: Robert Niblock
Subject: Agent Script - Terms & Conditions recording
Hi all,
I'm just curious if there's any customers that use Genesys scripts with a button that allows the agent to seamlessly play a set of terms and conditions to a customer. So far through exploring some setups, it's not a simple task to setup based off our requirements.
To demonstrate in a call audit that these are being played, Secure Flows are not the way as this is not recorded in the call recording. Whilst using a Secure Flow is the most simple setup, there's no audible record of the terms.
Another option i looked at was creating a queue with an inqueue flow that achieves the same thing, however the agent would need to transfer to the queue, then pull the caller off hold to listen which adds effort and the potential for the agent to make a mistake handling this.
I've also looked into injecting time / date, along with another text input through the Flow.InvocationData but I haven't figured how to separate them into a flow.
Does anyone have any recommendations on how this can be achieved? Our aim here is to take away the long script reading from our agents by making it a simple click of the button instead.
Robert Niblock