and as Genesys professionals always say, that leaving a comment with description of your problem and participating in the polls on ideas portal is actually even more important ;)
Ekaterina (Kate) Kononova
Product Development | Data, Analytics & Quality Management
Original Message:
Sent: 01-27-2025 07:29
From: Hanumantha Rao
Subject: Agent Status time is counting both in Meeting and Interacting statuses
Hi Ekaterina, thanks for sharing the Idea link, submitted my VOTE now.
Hanumantha Rao
Original Message:
Sent: 01-27-2025 07:05
From: Ekaterina Kononova
Subject: Agent Status time is counting both in Meeting and Interacting statuses
Hi! In our company we used to work on Genesys Engage before and it was not an issue. Since moving to Genesys Cloud we experience the same and it's an expected behavior according to Genesys. Our WFM department and users in the countries are very frustrated by this.
Please vote on this rather popular idea to highlight the importance of this issue.
Ekaterina (Kate) Kononova
Product Development | Data, Analytics & Quality Management
Original Message:
Sent: 01-24-2025 06:02
From: Hanumantha Rao
Subject: Agent Status time is counting both in Meeting and Interacting statuses
Hello Community,
while an agent is in meeting / Busy status, if they made an outbound (ACD) call -- time counts for both statuses 'meeting' and 'interacting'
this is giving wrong impression in reporting, do we have any option to avoid this.
Thank you !
#GenesysCloud #Reporting/Analytics #AgentStatus
Hanumantha Rao