Trivia Tower

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  • 1.  AI Employee Motivator...Welcome Clippy back to the AI Game, PLZ!

    Posted 05-28-2024 19:30

    Clippy needs to make a comeback as an AI mascot and YOU can pick the personality...nerdy, dry, get to pick to match your preference. I also want Clippy to be moody with snarky remarks about my spelling and grammar. Heck! Make Clippy the grammar police. 
    Siri Is The New Clippy | TechCrunch

    KJ ~

    Katie Johnson
    TruWest Credit Union

  • 2.  RE: AI Employee Motivator...Welcome Clippy back to the AI Game, PLZ!

    Posted 05-29-2024 04:55

    Now, he is cute!


  • 3.  RE: AI Employee Motivator...Welcome Clippy back to the AI Game, PLZ!

    Posted 05-30-2024 12:26

    @Katie Johnson - Not a bad idea, haha. I think this guy might be able to help the cause:

    Brian T. Jones | Ascension | Senior Specialist - Technology

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