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  • 1.  Answered call data for deleted users

    Posted 08-08-2024 18:02

    Hello, I need to determine the number of calls answered by agents for the previous month who have since been deleted due to termination. I'm able to pull up some of their data under the Interactions page (they're no longer under Agent Performance), but this is where it gets tricky.

    When I look at a call under Interactions, I'll sometimes see multiple users, including these deleted users. Sometimes the call went to them for a split second and then was immediately transferred to another rep. The disconnect reason is described as "Endpoint - Media Helper Required." If a call has three users listed and two of them were immediate disconnects due to endpoint issues, is this counted as answered three times or only once? I'm wondering how similar calls with active users show up under the Answered column in the Agent Performance page, as this is what our contractor uses to bill us.

    If you know of a better way to pull this data (I don't have API access), please let me know. Thanks for your help!


    Linsey Edn
    Computershare Technology Services, Inc.

  • 2.  RE: Answered call data for deleted users

    Posted 08-13-2024 06:55

    Hi Linsey,

    I would also ask this particular question in the Genesys Cloud Main Community to reach a wider audience as it sits on the edge of the WEM world.


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