Original Message:
Sent: 12-13-2024 11:22
From: Tony Morrow
Subject: Architect - Data Table
Sorry for late response.
Is the 'Nombre' column your 'Reference Key' field?
If it is, you can only have 1 record/row with the name Luis in it.
Your 'Reference Key' field has to be set up to contain unique values. Like account #s, phone #s, email address, sequence #, etc.
Tony Morrow
Sr. Genesys Engineer
Original Message:
Sent: 12-06-2024 14:05
From: Rossana Mendes
Subject: Architect - Data Table
Thank you very much I uploaded the file in CSV UTF-8 format and it worked, now the problem I have is that if two users have the same name it gives me an error and does not let me add both.

Rossana Mendes
Original Message:
Sent: 12-06-2024 11:11
From: Tony Morrow
Subject: Architect - Data Table
I'm assuming it's a CSV file. What encoding (i.e. UTF-8) are you using?
And you're able to create an entry manually with the same characters without issue?
Tony Morrow
Sr. Genesys Engineer
Original Message:
Sent: 12-05-2024 11:14
From: Rossana Mendes
Subject: Architect - Data Table
Hello good I have a problem when I try to load an excel file in the part of Architect - Data Table, because if the user's name has an accent or the letter "ñ" the genesys system does not recognize it and I get an icon like the following: �, I would like to know if this can be solved since one of the data I want to add is the email of each user and if any has a "ñ" my database will not work.
Rossana Mendes