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Are you an inventor? Tell us about it!

  • 1.  Are you an inventor? Tell us about it!

    Posted 10-19-2023 15:45

    We KNOW there are people in this amazing, inventive community that make amazing stuff using Genesys software. And if they are not making stuff with Genesys software, then they are decking out their personal spaces with inventive devices. Tell us which group YOU belong to and why, and you'll get the chance to win a valuable item of your choice off the technology-themed Prize Wall!  

    For Genesys software creations - submit your story to this thread. 

    For Home inventions/upgrades - submit your story to this thread.

    For more information on the Big Bad Bot Bash contest, click here! 

    We want your stories, you've got nothing to lose, but everything to win! So what are you waiting for, huh? 

    P.s. EVERYONE who submits a story in either topic will receive a really cool badge to adorn their profiles :)

    Nicole Milliken
    Genesys - Employees

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