Hello Vitalii,
The documentation looks to be misleading here.
If you imagine a scenario like we ask a question, then use a communicate action, then end the bot flow, then the documentation is right. You wouldn't be able to barge in during that Communicate.
But because you have a communicate followed by an ask, the entire thing has barge-in enabled.
If you're playing something like a mandatory announcement, you could do that in the call flow prior to calling the bot flow.
I have submitted feed back to the documentation team to make this more clear, as it very misleading.
Cameron Tomlin
Online Community Manager/Moderator
Genesys - Employees
Original Message:
Sent: 08-07-2024 05:20
From: Vitalii Hetman
Subject: Bot Flow 'Communicate' block is set with barge-in enabled
Hi all,
I noticed that in my Bot flow, which has setting 'Voice Barge-In' = 'ON' Communicate blocks are interruptible.
I have a logic to play 2 communicate blocks with information messages and then 'Ask for intent' block. When first communicate block is start playing and I say something - call falls in 'Ask for intent' block No match scenario right away.
Based on Gen Cloud documentation Barge-in options - Genesys Cloud Resource Center Communication block can't be interrupted

Same thing is explained in this Communicate action - Genesys Cloud Resource Center this article:

Are there any workarounds or maybe I do something wrong?
Vitalii Hetman
Miratech, Inc