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Candy Close-Ups Has a Winner!

  • 1.  Candy Close-Ups Has a Winner!

    Posted 10-21-2024 11:24
    Edited by Nicole Milliken 10-21-2024 11:25

    My, my! 

    I had no idea what sweet-tooths you all had! From identifying favorite candies to global treats, you all knew your stuff! Unfortunately, only ONE can be declared the winner and the winner WAS DETERMINED BY THE BONUS QUESTION and its extra three points! Before I reveal just who had the sweetest knowledge, peruse the answers below and see which ones you answered correctly: 

    1. This treat is consumed on November 1st as a part of Spain's All Saints' Day activities. 

    a. Hi-chew 


    c. Azucar 

    d. Saint's Bones  

    2. Even though the name is German, this treat was originally created in Italy. 

    a. Kinder Chocolate 

    b. Toblerone 

    c. Kit Kat 

    d. Ritter Sport 

    3. This treat gets its name from the sound the snack makes when being cracked. 

    a. Krackle bar 

    b. Crunch 

    c. Pocky 

    d. Chomp 

    4. This chocolate frog is not from a world inhabited by wizards, but from the magical land Down Under 

    a. Haribo Frog 

    b. Freddo Frog 

    c. Fritz the Frog 

    d. Goggi-Fröschli 

    5. This candy was recently dethroned as the most popular Halloween candy by M&M's. 

    a. Reese's Cups 

    b. Candy Corn 

    c. Candy Pumpkins 

    d. Jelly Beans 

    6. This UK candy shares a similar name with a US based candy. 

    a. Spree 

    b. M&Ms 

    c. Smarties 

    d. Skittles 

    7. This South Korean treat was so popular, some people received these snacks in lieu of cash bonuses.  

    a. Choco pie  

    b. Moon Pie 

    c. Swiss Roll 

    d. Zebra Cake 

    8. This Swiss candy invented a process called Conche, which provides the signature velvety texture.  

    1. Ferrero Rocher 

    1. Ghirardelli White 

    1. Tony's Chocolonely 

    1. Lindt Truffles 

    9. This chocolate bar is known to Americans as a Milky Way, but has another name globally. What is it?

    A. Galaxy bar 

    b. Mars bar 

    c. 5 Star 

    d. Heavenly Hash Egg 

    10. Which candy survived hyper-inflation because its price is always so low?  

    a. Fruit Snacks 

    b. Orange Slices 

    c. Gushers 

    d. Haribo Gummy Bears 

    11. Can you name this pill-shaped treat that originated in the Philippines? 

    a. Barmbrack  

    b. Bonfire Toffee 

    c. Pastillas 

    d. Marzipan 

    12. This Scandinavian treat has become very popular during Halloween and other fall festivities. 

    a. Brända Mandlar 

    b. Fave Dei Morti 

    c. Caramel-glazed chicken wings 

    d. Guagua de pan 

    (It's a type of candied almond).

    13. When summer ends and fall begins, this Japanese treat makes its rounds. 

    a. Caramelized Mango 

    b. Roasted Kabocha  

    c. Candied Cantaloupe 

    d. Sugared Satsuma  

    (It's a type of Asian squash).

    14. This Asian treat promises "wealth and happiness" to consumers and rakes in an astounding 2.3 billion dollars a year. 

    a. Songpyeon 

    b. Banh trung thu 

    c. Mooncakes 

    d. Dango

    15: Which of the following computer-based treats would you accept while surfing the web? 

    a. Cache 

    b. Java 

    c. Bytes 

    d. Cookies 

    16. This candy with vibrant coatings recently celebrated its 60th anniversary with "pride and a commitment to delighting customers for generations to come." 

    a. Gobstoppers 

    b. Sixlets 

    c. Dots 

    d. Gum Balls 

    Now that the images are revealed, it's time to announce the winner! Drum roll please...CONGRATULATIONS @Kris Charles! You get an item of your choice from the Prize Wall. I will send you the Google Form to fill out for your prize. 

    Disappointed you didn't win? Don't worry! We've got another Trivia Tower event coming up this Wednesday, Oct. 23rd called "Dead or AI-Live Word Scrambler." If you can decode the tech terms in three-minutes and rack up the most points, you'll walk away with a prize of your own. So mark your calendars!

    If you have a personal spooky story that happened to you or if you've created a bot, automation, or AI something-or-other using Genesys products, submit your story in the Big, Bad Bot Bash! There will be winners for those who participate in that as well (and a cool badge to boot)!

    There's so many ways to win in October, it's scary. Make sure to participate in all the events you can for the best chances to win!



    Nicole Milliken
    Senior Online Community Video Specialist

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