I believe this is correct, if you are changing membership of a role, you need to define what divisions you are populating the role for. So by default it will be the home division.
Original Message:
Sent: 09-11-2024 06:46
From: Louis Creely
Subject: Change Membership Window doesn't work (Reports the wrong information and we had an incident where it removed everybody from the role)
Ah that's frustrating, I wish the resource center would share that SCIM's will stop this menu from working properly. Anyway, moving onto the next problem with this menu. It doesn't report their divisions correctly or that they are receiving the role from a group. What would happen if I tried to set the division for this person from this menu?
Louis Creely
AJ Bell Youinvest
Original Message:
Sent: 09-10-2024 11:12
From: Samuel Jillard
Subject: Change Membership Window doesn't work (Reports the wrong information and we had an incident where it removed everybody from the role)
Hi Louis,
I tested this in my test org and you are correct. With a similar number of users it was showing in the response that it found 258 users, but only displayed the first 100 (first page of results). It appears this is a known limitation of the user search function and there is an idea to votes on: Uncap the 100 search results for Change Membership for Role
If you are manually adding a role, you need to specify the divisions you want the role to cover, but if assigning a role as part of the group you have already chosen the divisions.
I hope this helps, but if I am still missing something let me know
Sam Jillard
Online Community Manager/Moderator
Genesys - Employees
Original Message:
Sent: 09-10-2024 10:16
From: Louis Creely
Subject: Change Membership Window doesn't work (Reports the wrong information and we had an incident where it removed everybody from the role)
looking further into it and it looks like its using POST: https://apps.mypurecloud.ie/platform/api/v2/users/search with a page size of 100. The maximum page size allowed is 100

Louis Creely
AJ Bell Youinvest
Original Message:
Sent: 09-10-2024 04:41
From: Louis Creely
Subject: Change Membership Window doesn't work (Reports the wrong information and we had an incident where it removed everybody from the role)
Thankyou for looking into this, I raised the issue with our 3rd party 10 months ago and have just dug up the information. With our 3rd party it turns out we were comparing what we were seeing in the GUI and what was being returned in the API and they weren't matching. Looking at the ticket it looks like we assumed that what we were seeing in the GUI was correct and that the API was returning users who had left. The API I was calling: /api/v2/authorization/roles?userCount=true. Apologies for my confusion
Doing some tests and I suspect that the GUI is impacted by an API limit when trying to pull users from a group. I created a role with only group role assignment and I can see that the max it can count is 100 users which might be one of the reasons why the total users is wrong in the GUI.

I still need to figure out why division and group assignment doesn't report correctly
Kind Regards,
Louis Creely
AJ Bell Youinvest
Original Message:
Sent: 09-09-2024 12:02
From: Samuel Jillard
Subject: Change Membership Window doesn't work (Reports the wrong information and we had an incident where it removed everybody from the role)
Hi Louis,
Did the the third party provide any more information on why they think this is the correct functionality?
It doesn't seem right, but I will look into it and see what I can find.
Sam Jillard
Online Community Manager/Moderator
Genesys - Employees
Original Message:
Sent: 09-09-2024 09:20
From: Louis Creely
Subject: Change Membership Window doesn't work (Reports the wrong information and we had an incident where it removed everybody from the role)
Has anybody ever had issues with the 'Change Membership' window for managing Roles?
It constantly reports the wrong information and I have had to educate my Service Desk to avoid it.
For example the following user is showing for the one Division when they should have access to Home & CXVizz. Secondly the permissions should be group inherited which this fails to report for some users. Thirdly it says that 160 users have this role assigned which is also false; we have a group set up with Role assignment turned on which includes 229 people. Do we have 160 users assigned the role or 229?
I have looked into using the API from the Developer Centre to get the information but I run into the same problems

The inherited Role assigned to the agent:

The group with Role assignment turned on:

I have raised this with our 3rd party but they've tried to sell me that this is normal functionality.
Apologies if this has been raised in the wrong place, any help would be much appreciated. It would be much easier to report on user permissions if this worked
Kind Regards,
Louis Creely
AJ Bell Youinvest