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  • 1.  Chat window option to Send transcript to Customer

    Posted 09-15-2022 15:21
    Hi there,

    I have been testing enabling the Send transcript to customer feature under the Post-chat form in the Admin Center. I found the article and followed the steps, testing both with a "Send from this address" entry and testing without a from address, both unsuccessful. Wondering if I am missing a setting or configuration or if there is an expected time delay before a customer would receive the email transcript? Any guidance is appreciated.


    Nicole VanWie
    State of Arizona - City of Mesa

  • 2.  RE: Chat window option to Send transcript to Customer

    Posted 09-15-2022 15:29
    Update - I actually just received the email to a gmail account after I posted this, but still have not received to a yahoo account I was testing with. Not sure if that is something anybody else has experienced? Maybe an issue sending to certain email providers?

    Nicole VanWie
    State of Arizona - City of Mesa

  • 3.  RE: Chat window option to Send transcript to Customer

    Posted 09-16-2022 11:45
    Hi Nicole,

    Great question. Let me ask around to see if this is known behavior, in terms of certain email clients taking longer to receive the transcript than others, and then get back to you.

    Btw, was anything received yet on the Yahoo account?

    Anthony Romero
    Genesys - Employees

  • 4.  RE: Chat window option to Send transcript to Customer

    Posted 09-16-2022 18:48
    Hey Nicole,

    Having checked with the team, delays in receiving the transcript based on the email provider is not uncommon. So this isn't abnormal behavior... assuming you did receive the transcript on the Yahoo one. In terms of that account, did you check the spam folder in case it was sent there?

    Anthony Romero
    Genesys - Employees

  • 5.  RE: Chat window option to Send transcript to Customer

    Posted 09-28-2022 13:01
    Thanks Anthony. I did finally get the test transcript to the Yahoo account, but it took a couple hours. Not unusual for other application testing we have done in the past, seems Yahoo is the outlier email provider in most of our testing. Thanks for the reply.

    Nicole VanWie
    State of Arizona - City of Mesa

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