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  • 1.  Chatbot chat abandon rate

    Posted 10-18-2022 09:12
    Hi! I was interested in analysing how many users are ending conversations with the chatbot early out of all users that engage with the chatbot. I call that "chat abandon rate".

    I was poking around in the Analytics section of Genesys DX but I didn't spot any fields that would contain this data directly. I might be able to deduce by using fields like Resolved reason, etc., but I was hoping there was a more straightforward way to figure it out.


    Arianna Russo Hernandez

  • 2.  RE: Chatbot chat abandon rate

    Posted 10-18-2022 17:25
    Hi Arianna,

    I checked with the team on this. Maybe someone else on here has a method they prefer, but from talking internally they agreed that looking over the resolved reason field would probably be a good way to approach finding the "chat abandon rate".

    Anthony Romero
    Genesys - Employees

  • 3.  RE: Chatbot chat abandon rate

    Posted 10-20-2022 09:52
    Thanks Anthony! Would they have an example of which fields to pick to have the full picture? A sample report would be a huge help.

    Thanks for the quick reply.

    Arianna Russo Hernandez

  • 4.  RE: Chatbot chat abandon rate

    Posted 10-20-2022 20:36
    Hey Arianna,

    Great question. Let me throw that back at the team and see if they have any recommendations.

    Anthony Romero
    Genesys - Employees

  • 5.  RE: Chatbot chat abandon rate

    Posted 10-24-2022 16:25
    Hi Arianna,

    Sorry for the delay. Ran this by the team and their response was:

    The column "Unresolved Reason" is the clearest indication we can provide regarding a user's intention when ending an interaction with a bot

    Anthony Romero
    Genesys - Employees

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