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  • 1.  Communicate & HardPhones

    Posted 12-09-2024 07:53


    We want to use a hard phone (polycom vvx 350 already configured) with communicate licenses.

    We want create an Extension pool, these extensions will be associated to the expecific agent, then we want that the agents can log into genesys throw the phone.

    Is this possible? Or then only can can log in using the UI of genesys Cloud?
    We want to use the same Phone for different users, depending of their schedules.



    Adrian Rodriguez

  • 2.  RE: Communicate & HardPhones
    Best Answer

    Posted 12-09-2024 10:56

    Hello Adrain, 

    I dont think logging in through the phone is possible. But you can definitely have specific extensions assigned to agents as well as our free seating feature which allows different agents to use the same phone. Not at the same time. 


    Online Community Manager/Moderator

  • 3.  RE: Communicate & HardPhones

    Posted 12-16-2024 07:24
    Edited by Adrian Rodriguez 12-16-2024 07:24


    On the phone configuration, you can associate N extensions to the same Phone, but these extensión can't be assigned to an specific agent, so.. which is the pourpose of these extensions? 


    Adrian Rodriguez

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