When you get all the Presence statuses via API copy and paste the value for the id for the Presence into translationMap:
Original Message:
Sent: 11-01-2024 16:47
From: Rechelle McConnell
Subject: Configure API for Onqueue and OffQueue
I clicked the link and executed it in the developer tools and I got the Response and I am seeing all our statuses.
In The data action I changed the value of the GUID (queue ID) I was thinking this is what you meant. but I got an error.. So I went back to the developer tool to get the ID for the correct status and still got an error.
Sorry, maybe I did it wrong.
Rechelle McConnell
Original Message:
Sent: 11-01-2024 15:56
From: Tatjana Knezevic
Subject: Configure API for Onqueue and OffQueue
Please see the instructions in my note. You need to execute API https://developer.genesys.cloud/devapps/api-explorer-standalone#get-api-v2-presence-definitions
and then replace UUID values for Available and On Queue based on the output from this API (I bolded below what needs to be replaced):
"translationMap": {
"available": "$..data[?(@.metric=='oOffQueueUsers' && @.qualifier=='AVAILABLE_UUID')].stats.count",
"idle": "$..data[?(@.metric=='oOnQueueUsers' && @.qualifier=='IDLE')].stats.count",
"onqueue": "$..data[?(@.metric=='oUserPresences' && @.qualifier=='ON_QUEUE_UUID')].stats.count",
"interacting": "$..data[?(@.metric=='oOnQueueUsers' && @.qualifier=='INTERACTING')].stats.count"
Tatjana Knezevic
Original Message:
Sent: 11-01-2024 15:49
From: Rechelle McConnell
Subject: Configure API for Onqueue and OffQueue
I did. I opened it in Note++ and saved as JSON. Imported to Data Action and put the queue ID then I ran the test.
Rechelle McConnell
Original Message:
Sent: 11-01-2024 15:45
From: Tatjana Knezevic
Subject: Configure API for Onqueue and OffQueue
@Rechelle McConnell,
Did you try the Data Action I shared in my previous post (rename txt to json and import it)?
Tatjana Knezevic
Original Message:
Sent: 11-01-2024 15:40
From: Rechelle McConnell
Subject: Configure API for Onqueue and OffQueue
Hi Siddhartha,
Thank you so much for your quick response... For some reason I got an error here:
Rechelle McConnell
Original Message:
Sent: 10-30-2024 06:50
From: Siddhartha Chopdar
Subject: Configure API for Onqueue and OffQueue
Hi Rechelle,
You can use the following API
You need to set your api using the routing states you need as output based on your scenario.
Siddhartha Chopdar
Original Message:
Sent: 10-29-2024 22:20
From: Rechelle McConnell
Subject: Configure API for Onqueue and OffQueue
Hi All,
Please kindly help me to configure API for Agent's status.
Scenario 1:
During Open Hour Schedule - If Agents are Not Available ( On-queue but interacting or busy) send to ACD with in-queue flow
Scenario 2:
During Open Hour Schedule - If Agents are Not Available (Offline) send to a different queue
Will we be able to get counts the status of Offline/Off-Queue?
Thank you
Rechelle McConnell