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  • 1.  Convert .i3r and .sasf to .wav files - requesting a copy of utility

    Posted 12-16-2024 11:17

    Hello there,

    We previously had a utility named encryptwave-w32r-1-1.exe to assist with converting a .i3r or .sasf file to .wav. We have seemingly misplaced this utility. Question for the community, does anyone have a copy that they can share? Also, I've read about an IRSASFU utility, which may be only available to Genesys PS.

    Reason we need something like this is we will soon retire our PureConnect platform and we need adhoc ability to convert a legacy recording that may not get archived. We want to have this just in case we get a request to restore a recording that we overlooked in the archival process.

    Fingers crossed someone has a copy and can share. 

    Thanks in advance,



  • 2.  RE: Convert .i3r and .sasf to .wav files - requesting a copy of utility

    Posted 12-17-2024 03:19

    Hi Shane,

    Find it from the below link.


    I hope this will find you well.

    Best Regards

    Cenk Gündüz

  • 3.  RE: Convert .i3r and .sasf to .wav files - requesting a copy of utility

    Posted 12-17-2024 11:59

    Thanks fellas, I grabbed the utility from the download! Really appreciate it.

    One final question that you may be able to help with.

    If the .i3r or .sasf files are not Encrypted and we only have the .i3r or .sasf file itself, this will still work right?

    I.e. It does not require the SQL database or IC running in order to function properly? Reason I ask is I believe some of our meta data for older recordings in the IR_RecordingMedia table have been purged and we do plan to retire IC (PureConncet) in the coming months. We do however have access to the actual recording files from our storage location.

    Thanks again!


  • 4.  RE: Convert .i3r and .sasf to .wav files - requesting a copy of utility

    Posted 12-17-2024 15:15

    Hi Shane,

    This should work also with the unencrypted files as well. You straight convert .i3r or .sasf files to .wav format.

    As far as i remember you only need to show the file location to convert it. That means you will not need neither DB nor IC running.

    Let's give it try and let me know. I run this long time ago and i am wondering your reply.


    Cenk Gündüz

  • 5.  RE: Convert .i3r and .sasf to .wav files - requesting a copy of utility

    Posted 12-17-2024 16:41

    Encryptwave is an internal-only Genesys tool.  I highly doubt anyone sharing that tool has any distribution agreement or license agreement to share it or use it. 

    Drew Bisson
    Chief Architect
    Genesys - Employees

  • 6.  RE: Convert .i3r and .sasf to .wav files - requesting a copy of utility

    Posted 12-17-2024 16:48

    Thanks for the info Drew.

    By chance do you happen to know if there is any way to receive access to the tool for our internal use only? Since we will be retiring PureConnect very soon, we will have no means to extract an orphaned recording should we run across one once IC has been formally retired.

    We do plan to archive recordings prior, but there are some older recordings that we don't seem to have the SQL db metadata for and we may run across others.

    Do you have any ideas or suggestions?

    Thanks in advance,


  • 7.  RE: Convert .i3r and .sasf to .wav files - requesting a copy of utility

    Posted 12-17-2024 17:31
    A licensed PureConnect server is required. This work can be performed through a Genesys Professional Services project as they can generate temp licenses and deploy PureConnect servers for the duration of the project.  

    There is no standalone Genesys tool that can be made available to customers or partners.

    Drew Bisson  

    Chief Architect, Pure Connect | +1 317-345-6345 

    drew.bisson@genesys.com | genesys.com 


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