I created a 'Billing' intent in my digital bot. I was told there are default utterances that are defined for that intent name, because billing is a common name for an intent. So even though i hadn't identified 'Penny' as an utterance or in an utterance, it was confidently matching that word to Billing intent being defined as a default utterance on a default intent.
Another example is I have an intent called "MS Other" and it confidently matched (86% probablity) the utterance 'agent' to it even though i do not have agent defined as/in an utterance. I'm assuming it did this for the same reason penny automatically matched to billing, so Other must also be a commonly used Intent name or considered a default intent? and agent is a default utterance assigned to a default intent of Other?
Is it safe to say there are default Intents and utterances that are predefined to them? Where can i get a list of these?
Similarly for Agent escalation under Event handling. you can turn it on/off. but where are the words defined for what its listening for? i saw examples on the resource center - are those what are defined? can i add to them or remove from the example list?
Kellyn DuBois
Lumen Technologies Service Group, LLC