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  • 1.  Digital Data Filter

    Posted 09-11-2024 07:57

    We are exploring digital data filtering and have configured one for web messaging where numbers are masked. Our current challenge is to determine how we can access the customer-entered numbers ( the original number which is masked ) within digital flows in order to execute specific logic


    Noufal Ebrahim
    DAMAC Properties Co. LLC

  • 2.  RE: Digital Data Filter
    Best Answer

    Posted 09-11-2024 08:55

    Once data masking is activated, it will entirely mask any the matching patterns on the ingress point, so the masked information cannot be used anywhere in the platform, for privacy reasons. What you are probably looking for is something like Secure Message Flows and/or Secure Forms, see this future Idea >

    Angelo Cicchitto
    Genesys - Employees

  • 3.  RE: Digital Data Filter

    Posted 09-11-2024 11:35


    We need to turn off the automatic credit card blocking now that customers can use digital masking.  

    Also, secure input can be used for collecting but not displaying digits, correct?

    Robert Wakefield-Carl
    ttec Digital
    Sr. Director - Innovation Architects

  • 4.  RE: Digital Data Filter

    Posted 09-12-2024 04:23

    Currently Credit Card masking is enforced to comply with PCI: we may consider removing this, but we need that Secure Flow / Secure Form feature first. Yes the idea with Secure Input would be to not display those digits, but still allow to capture and store securely, for further data-processing.

    Angelo Cicchitto
    Genesys - Employees

  • 5.  RE: Digital Data Filter

    Posted 09-13-2024 03:48

    I feel we also need the ability to redact PII data in digital channels in the same way as voice so it can be seen by those with appropriate permissions.

    Richard Chandler

  • 6.  RE: Digital Data Filter

    Posted 09-16-2024 10:45

    To reiterate the point Angelo made, 

    Our Digital Data Filtering functionality is an irreversible filter, not a reversible mask that can be unmasked or reversed. The filtering is done at the point of ingestion so no filtered data is permanently stored by the platform or viewable by the user.

    Christopher Bosken
    Genesys - Employees

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