When dynamic filtering is turned on you don't need to recycle the campaign to have the records re-evaluated. That is the great thing about it.
If you don't use dynamic filtering on your campaign you will need to recycle to re-evaluate the records again.
I haven't tested your specific scenario if you don't use Dynamic filtering, so I don't know what would occur if you don't use it. I expect you would need to recycle for Record B to match, but I guess that shouldn't be difficult to test.
Original Message:
Sent: 01-09-2025 09:17
From: Patti Oaks
Subject: Does Dynamic Filtering pull in data that has been updated
Thanks @Hermina Cosic!!
Do we have to have Dynamic filtering on in your scenario (Filter A that selects only records with value A and you change a record from value B to value A, so that record matches your filter then it will be dialed once it is it's turn) or will it happen without Dynamic Filtering??
Does that work the same when you have a date? If I have Filter A that selects only records <= 48 hours out. When we start the day, Record B is 50 hours out, will the record get pulled in 2 hours after the start campaign? Do we need dynamic filtering on for this to occur?
Thank you!
Patti Oaks
Original Message:
Sent: 01-09-2025 03:42
From: Hermina Cosic
Subject: Does Dynamic Filtering pull in data that has been updated
If you have Filter A that selects only records with value A and you change a record from value B to value A, so that recod matches your filter then it will be dialed once it is it's turn.
Hermina Cosic
Senior Solution Architect
Original Message:
Sent: 01-08-2025 09:52
From: Patti Oaks
Subject: Does Dynamic Filtering pull in data that has been updated
Thanks @Cameron Tomlin. I did see that. Everything references changes in the filter but nothing addresses changes in the data only.
To your point the campaigns (filter can change) what if the data changes and the filter stays the same - so the new data matches filter criteria OR what if we are filtering on a date, will the dynamic filter pull in the record once the date criteria is reached without having to recycle.
Patti Oaks
Original Message:
Sent: 01-08-2025 08:34
From: Cameron Tomlin
Subject: Does Dynamic Filtering pull in data that has been updated
Hello Patti,
I found this from our library, it may answer your questions. But from what I know of the Dynamic filtering it allows the campaigns to be changed without having to stop the campaigns and make the changes and restart the campaigns.
I would also like to see what the community says about this as well.
Online Community Manager/Moderator
Original Message:
Sent: 01-07-2025 13:21
From: Patti Oaks
Subject: Does Dynamic Filtering pull in data that has been updated
Watched the Q&A on dynamic filtering and there was a question posted that didn't get answered in regards to data changes with dynamic filtering versus the filter itself changing.
Dynamic filtering allows for a change in the FILTER to be automatically pulled in while the campaign is running.
What if the data in the contact list changes but the filter stays the same? Will dynamic filtering pull in a contact list record that was updated and previously filtered out of the active contacts being dialed, if the updates now cause it to match the filter criteria?
If we are filtering based on a date time, will dynamic filtering allow a new record to be pulled in if the time elapses for it to match the filter criteria? What about the reverse, what if the record met the datetime criteria when the campaign started but no longer meets it when it is set to be dialed?
ie A campaign has a datefilter of <= now, a record has a date of 1/8 10a - will dynamic filtering pull the record in after 10a on 1/8 or do we have to recycle the campaign in order for that to happen? (I understand there is GMT versus timezones in here too - I am looking for the overall concept of the process pulling in new records only)
Patti Oaks