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  • 1.  Dynamic Call Routing - Automatic detection of agent's availability to route traffic to appropriate Bullseye

    Posted 09-10-2024 12:00

    We have an agent in one specific queue where she is the first one in Bullseye. If she is on vacation, it completes the process of trying this agent for 1 minutes and then moves to Bulls eyes 2. To ensure calls are efficiently directed to Bullseye 2 when an agent in Bullseye 1 is offline or on vacation. How can we setup a call routing that moves the call to the next bullseye?


    John Francis
    Empeople Credit Union

  • 2.  RE: Dynamic Call Routing - Automatic detection of agent's availability to route traffic to appropriate Bullseye

    Posted 09-10-2024 17:07

    Hello John,

    You may want to give this article a read. I think Option 2 may be what you're looking for.

    Jason Kleitz
    Genesys - Employees

  • 3.  RE: Dynamic Call Routing - Automatic detection of agent's availability to route traffic to appropriate Bullseye

    Posted 09-11-2024 09:12

    @Jason Kleitz - If I understand the post from @John Francis correctly, we have the same issue. Calls sit in a bullseye ring until the timeout regardless of whether there are agents logged in for that bullseye ring. This means, in their example,  that a ring of consisting of a single agent who is on vacation, will cause a call to sit in that ring for the 1 minute timeout before looking at the next ring. This also means that agents could be available to answer the call but the call will not route until the bullseye ring timeout is met. In the on-prem world, we could look at a target to see if agents were logged in and dynamically skip a target if there were no agents logged in / available resulting in getting the call answered far more quickly.

    The only workaround we've been given is a data action that will look at the agents in a ring (along with their skills) and if there are no agents logged in, we can change the bullseye ring timeout to the minimum of 2 seconds. But, this still requires the call to sit in the ring for those 2 seconds vs skipping it altogether. Our preference is that any ring that has no possible targets would be skipped completely by the call and move automatically to the first ring that DOES have available target agents.

    Michael Rigney
    J. B. Hunt Transport, Inc.

  • 4.  RE: Dynamic Call Routing - Automatic detection of agent's availability to route traffic to appropriate Bullseye

    Posted 09-11-2024 09:16


    Yes, your absolutely right. We do not want the calls to sit there for that 1 minute. We are not using any skills so in our case it sits there for a complete one minute and then transfers to Bullseye 2. This will be a long wait and the user could get frustrated. If there is some kind of check that can be done to see that the user is offline or out of office, then it should go immediately to the next agent in the next bullseye.

    John Francis
    Empeople Credit Union

  • 5.  RE: Dynamic Call Routing - Automatic detection of agent's availability to route traffic to appropriate Bullseye

    Posted 09-11-2024 09:31

    This can be a feature that Genesys can bring in the future versions or there needs to be an API call detecting the agents availability.

    1. Setting Up Automated Status Detection:
      • Use Genesis's APIs to programmatically check agent statuses. For example, you can use the GET /api/v2/users/{userId}/presences endpoint to retrieve an agent's presence status.
      • Implement a script or service that periodically checks the status of agents in Bullseye 1 and updates a database or triggers an event if an agent is offline or on vacation

    John Francis
    Empeople Credit Union

  • 6.  RE: Dynamic Call Routing - Automatic detection of agent's availability to route traffic to appropriate Bullseye
    Best Answer

    Posted 09-16-2024 09:45

    Hello John and Michael,

    Thank you for the clarification. With that information, I was looking at the Product Ideas Lab and it looks like we do have an Idea that is marked as Future Consideration. I would recommend that you click on the VOTE button and leave a comment to let our Dev team know that this would be a useful feature. If you click the VOTE button on that page, it should notify you via email as this Idea progresses through development.

    Jason Kleitz
    Genesys - Employees

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