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  • 1.  Excluding completed evaluations from the overall evaluation score

    Posted 15 days ago


    We have a situation where evaluations are completed on interactions for specialised work. This is not completed for all agents as not everyone is trained.  For overall fairness, we would like to exclude the scoring of the specialised evaluations from the overall evaluation score, in order to have a fair comparison. Does anyone have a similar situation and can you share how you incorporate this?

    Many thanks



    Heather Henderson

  • 2.  RE: Excluding completed evaluations from the overall evaluation score

    Posted 15 days ago

    Hi Heather,

    For these specialised evaluations, is the intent for them to be released to the agent or is it only an internal thing? 

    Herrick Mai
    Principal Product Manager

  • 3.  RE: Excluding completed evaluations from the overall evaluation score

    Posted 15 days ago

    In some cases it will be released, and in others it won't.

    I am guessing the direction you are going in is that if I don't release, the score won't be included (that would deal with one scenario!)?

    If so, then the only scenario I need to consider now is where the evaluation is being released - is there anyone who has this scenario and can you tell me how you deal with it?

    Heather Henderson

  • 4.  RE: Excluding completed evaluations from the overall evaluation score
    Best Answer

    Posted 8 days ago

    Hey Heather,

    I was originally wondering if calibrations would have worked as they are evaluations that are done but do not affect the agent's score. But ultimately you do want to release to the agent at times, so it may fit more with this idea 

    Herrick Mai
    Principal Product Manager

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