I'm not 100% sure, but I imagine it is for this use case.
Imagine you have a sales queue, but some of the calls in the sales queue is transferred from another queue.
When you filter the data on the Sales Queue, do you want to see just calls where Sales queue was the first queue, or include calls transferred from other queues?
Transfers can really make things difficult to understand specific scenarios/metrics, especially when you have many queues selected, that can all have transfers to each other. So selecting First Queue only just simplifies that.
Think of prioritization, we prioritize internal transfer calls, so when measuring ASA it makes more sense for us to only look at when it is the first queue, ie not internal transfer, as that may skew the results to be lower than what customers actually experience.
Anton Vroon
Original Message:
Sent: 07-01-2024 15:01
From: Wendy Dodson
Subject: Filter for FIRST QUEUE ( show only data for the first queue of interaction) Best practice guidance
Can someone kindly explain under queue performance , what this means exactly. The pros/cons and best practices of leaving this check marked or unselected when exporting queue data.
Thank you in advance!
*If you scroll all the way down in the filters it will show FIRST QUEUE ( show only data for the first queue of interaction) *

Wendy Dodson
Sedgwick Claims Management Services, Inc.