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  • 1.  FlexNet publisher deployment

    Posted 03-13-2024 13:50

    Did anyone replaced FlexLM with the latest FLexNet publisher? is there any documenatation available?  Many applications (SIP, CUCM etc.. ) latest versions require FlexNet publisher and not working with the old FLexLM anymore...   not sure what will be the impact on overall system integrity and license handling with this upgrade, any information will be appreciated. thanks.


    Senih Demren
    Insurance Corporation of British Co

  • 2.  RE: FlexNet publisher deployment

    Posted 03-14-2024 02:29

    Hello Senih,

    The latest version of FlexNet Publisher is 11.16.5 supplied by Genesys which is backward compatible with all lower FlexLM/FlexNet client versions incorporated in Genesys applications. This means, older versions of Genesys applications which are using older FlexLM is expected to checkout licenses from the latest version 11.16.5 FlexNet Publisher server.

    There are no major changes in the product as such, the product remains the same. Only the Product name has been changed to FlexLM to FlexNet Publisher.

    Technical Licensing Concepts (

    For mixed environments and incremental migrations, FlexNet Publisher 11.x is fully backward-compatible with existing 7.x and 8.0 applications. For example: If you are running CIM Platform 7.x or 8.0 and other 7.x or 8.0 applications, on Windows Server 2008 64-bit native, and wish to migrate to Release 8.1 while continuing to run your other existing Release 7.x or 8.0 Genesys 32-bit applications in parallel, you may do this by upgrading to FlexNet Publisher 11.9. You may migrate the Release 7.x or 8.0 applications at a later date.

    Vinod Balan
    Genesys Reporting & Analytics

  • 3.  RE: FlexNet publisher deployment

    Posted 03-20-2024 18:29

    I came to this forum to find out where to download FlexNet Publisher 11.16.5

    The most current version available from Genesys appears to be
    I've checked multiple Genesys Management frameworks 

    shows most current flexnet publisher version

    David Watson
    TTEC Digital

  • 4.  RE: FlexNet publisher deployment

    Posted 03-21-2024 02:17

    Hello David,

    Please download the Management Framework DVD pack (the one before the latest) which has FlexNet Publisher version 11.16.5 installation package in it.

    Vinod Balan
    Genesys Reporting & Analytics

  • 5.  RE: FlexNet publisher deployment

    Posted 03-21-2024 10:19

    found it. Thank you!

    David Watson
    TTEC Digital

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