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Genesys Cloud Release Notes | September 02nd 2024

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  • 1.  Genesys Cloud Release Notes | September 02nd 2024

    Posted 09-02-2024 09:28
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    Counted limits monitoring and alerts

    Administrators can now use the Operational Console to monitor and manage counted limits such as team.max, group.individuals.max, and actions.integration.max. This feature allows administrators to configure alerts that trigger when these limits approach their predefined thresholds and then monitor these limits, receive timely alerts, and analyze usage trends. These improvements help prevent breaches and ensure that resources are used efficiently.

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    One of the following licenses:

    • All licenses include this feature.

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    WebRTC Media Helper enabled by default with allowed IP addresses feature

    Genesys Cloud now includes WebRTC Media Helper in the Allowed IP Addresses list by default and requires no additional configuration. The Allowed IP Addresses feature enables WebRTC Media Helper to be used securely in VDI environments when the WebRTC Media Helper IP address is outside of the VDI environment's Allowed IP Address range. The Allowed IP Addresses feature limits Genesys Cloud account access to only those visitors from specified IP addresses. WebRTC Media Helper is designed to provide an optimal audio quality experience by allowing the real-time media flow to run independently, outside of the VDI session.

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    One of the following licenses:

    • All licenses include this feature.

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    Custom inbound data filtering rules for digital channels

    Administrators can create and apply custom data filters to the inbound digital interactions with regular expressions to identify and filter specific information, such as email addresses, government identification numbers, financial account numbers, and other text strings as defined by a regular expression. This feature mitigates the risk of PII or other sensitive data exposure. The custom data filters redact sensitive information automatically before the information is stored or processed. The redacted data appears as a series of 'X' characters. 

    Additional details

    One of the following licenses:

    • Genesys Cloud 1 Digital Add-on II
    • Genesys Cloud 2
    • Genesys Cloud 2 Digital
    • Genesys Cloud 3
    • Genesys Cloud 3 Digital

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    Prerequisites in expandable section of Resource Center articles

    Genesys Cloud prerequisites now appear in an expandable section, closed by default, in relevant Resource Center articles. This enhancement enables users to access main content quickly without the need to scroll through a list of permissions and prerequisites.

    Park email interactions

    Agents can now park or pause ongoing email interactions when they need more time to gather information, consult with others, or delay their response for any reason. This feature enables agents to temporarily set aside an email without impacting their availability for other interactions. Agents now have the ability to park email interactions and return to them later, manage email drafts and pick up where they left off when they return to the parked email. Supervisors can now see which emails are active and parked, and monitor or reassign these interactions if necessary. 

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    • Performance > Workspace > Contact Center > Interactions.
    • Performance > Workspace > My Performance > My Interactions.
    • Performance > Workspace > Contact Center > Agent Performance, click an agent's name, and then the Interactions tab.
    • Performance > Workspace > Contact Center > Queue Performance, click a queue's name, and then the Interactions tab.
    • Performance > Workspace > Contact Center > Campaign Performance, click a campaign's name, and then the Interactions tab.

    One of the following licenses:

    • Genesys Cloud 1 Digital Add-on II
    • Genesys Cloud 2
    • Genesys Cloud 2 Digital
    • Genesys Cloud 3
    • Genesys Cloud 3 Digital

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    Dashboard Owners page

    Administrators and supervisors can now access dashboards owned by any user in the organization directly from the Dashboard Owners page. This feature enables administrators to view, or delete obsolete dashboards and provides a more efficient dashboard administration process.

    Additional details


    • Performance > Workspace > Dashboards > Dashboards.
    • Performance > Workspace > Dashboards > Dashboard Owners.

    One of the following licenses:

    • All licenses include this feature.

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    Increase quality management topic limit to 5000 on request

    Administrators can now request an increase in the maximum number of quality management topics for the organization up to 5000 topics. Previously, Genesys Cloud capped the limit to 500 topics. This increase benefits organizations that require the same topic to repeat in different languages for various geographical areas. The expanded limit enables administrators to create and manage all necessary topics to meet their diverse business needs, which enhances the utility of speech and text analytics (STA) for larger and more complex organizations.

    Additional details

    One of the following licenses:

    • Genesys Cloud 1 WEM Add-on II
    • Genesys Cloud 2 WEM Add-on I
    • Genesys Cloud 3
    • Genesys Cloud 3 Digital

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    Journey management with Funnel analysis

    Journey management enables journey managers, analysts, and CX leaders to assemble and analyze journeys. They can also use funnel analysis to automatically track the path that customers progress through different stages of their journeys and then receive instant feedback about successful interactions and also areas to improve. This feature provides instant access to captured interaction data so that they can visualize conversion rates between journey events and identify where customers drop off. Funnel analysis enables management to rapidly generate insights without the need for coding to test hypotheses, analyze journey behavior, or pinpoint areas that need improvement.

    Additional details

    One of the following licenses:

    • Genesys Cloud 1
    • Genesys Cloud 2
    • Genesys Cloud 2 Digital
    • Genesys Cloud 3
    • Genesys Cloud 3 Digital

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    Enhanced security with HIPAA compliant inactivity timeout

    CX Cloud from Genesys and Salesforce now automatically supports a 15-minute inactivity timeout, a HIPAA compliance requirement. The integration automatically logs users out of the system after 15 minutes of inactivity, which prevents unauthorized access to the platform during unattended sessions. This feature ensures that organizations meet regulatory standards, enhances security, and protects sensitive information, even when users forget to log out. Previously, administrators had to manually configure this setting.

    Additional details

    One of the following licenses:

    • Genesys Cloud 1
    • Genesys Cloud 2
    • Genesys Cloud 3

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    Genesys Cloud voice controlled attestation for outbound calls

    Genesys Cloud Voice now signs and attests outbound calls originating from Genesys Cloud Voice numbers. This feature ensures compliance with the STIR/SHAKEN caller ID authentication framework. Outbound calls that a user makes from Genesys Cloud Voice numbers receive an A level attestation, while outbound calls that a user makes from third-party numbers receive a B level attestation. This update enables Genesys Cloud to independently ensure that outbound calls authenticate with the appropriate attestation level and helps to reduce the risk of inadvertently blocking calls or marking them as spam.

    Additional details

    One of the following licenses:

    • All licenses include this feature.

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    Screen recording playback UI modernization

    Genesys Cloud improved the Screen Recording Playback user interface (UI) with a new look and feel. These improvements include modernized icons that automatically adjust in size and spacing when users reduce the page resolution to avoid icon clutter and overlapping components. These enhancements do not impact existing functionality.

    Additional details

    One of the following licenses:

    • Genesys Cloud 1
    • Genesys Cloud 2
    • Genesys Cloud 3
    • Genesys Cloud EX

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    Improved customer sentiment and agent empathy analysis for English dialects

    Genesys Cloud improved customer sentiment and agent empathy analysis for supported English dialects.

    Additional details

    One of the following licenses:

    • Genesys Cloud 1 WEM Add-on II
    • Genesys Cloud 2 WEM Add-on I
    • Genesys Cloud 3
    • Genesys Cloud EX

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