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Genesys DX Community Closure

  • 1.  Genesys DX Community Closure

    Posted 07-05-2024 13:48


    We've had a good run.

    As the Genesys DX solution (formerly Bold360) has reached its end-of-life, we are now in the process of closing down the Genesys DX community in the following weeks. For those who have adopted Genesys Cloud CX, if you have any questions related to the service I'd highly recommend engaging with the Genesys Cloud CX community.

    If you have any lingering questions in relation to the Genesys DX community or Genesys DX in general, please feel free to reply to this post while the community is still open.

    Also, would like to thank those who engaged with the community here. From participation in our AMA, questions asked (answers given), contests entered and more it was great to see.

    Cheers all.

    Anthony Romero
    Genesys - Employees

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