This is a question, but it has been resolved, so please close it.
Original Message:
Sent: 01-20-2025 19:10
From: Matsumoto Shun
Subject: Get call time in inbound flow
Thanks for the reply.
My apologies. I was finally able to see the detailed data not by unchecking the "Flatten Output" checkbox on the test screen of the data action.
As for the main issue, I would like to create a flow to store the "tConnected" value obtained by this API in a data table in an inbound flow.
In detail, after the conversation is disconnected, I want to call the data action and save the "tConnected" value to the data table.
In this case, I am not sure how to output the "tConnected" value.
Best regards.
Matsumoto Shun
Original Message:
Sent: 01-20-2025 05:19
From: Christoph Domaschke
Subject: Get call time in inbound flow
Your response looks completly different than the one I get from /api/v2/analytics/conversations/{conversationId}/details. It looks like a summary. My response looks like that:
{ "conversationEnd": "2025-01-20T08:49:11.173Z", "conversationId": "0a6bbf87-e652-4fb8-b175-0ee9b4ef56f9", "conversationStart": "2025-01-20T08:42:25.760Z", "divisionIds": [ "850b51c1-a9bf-42b3-a44a-18b31ad1d11d" ], "mediaStatsMinConversationMos": 4.391164659722279, "mediaStatsMinConversationRFactor": 90.75804901123047, "originatingDirection": "inbound", "surveys": [ { "eventTime": "2025-01-20T08:49:12.305Z", "surveyFormContextId": "89e480ef-9a88-44b8-9996-927f1f6985ce", "surveyId": "d1df6a69-df1a-4ded-bfe6-987b51068618", "surveyStatus": "OptOut", "surveyType": "Web" } ], "participants": [ { "externalContactId": "744806d7-064b-49c3-a7ae-184e5eb2873a", "participantId": "56b480ad-cd6a-438a-b348-99b2957c5006", "participantName": "+4915736429030", "purpose": "customer", "sessions": [ { "activeSkillIds": [ "bfb0ed09-de41-44ea-9ca9-efcbbfc65dfe" ], "ani": "tel:+4915736429030", "direction": "inbound", "dnis": "tel:+496950985059", "edgeId": "4d59eb4a-3577-43ae-8b9f-fea83890ce99", "mediaType": "voice", "protocolCallId": "", "provider": "Edge", "recording": true, "remoteNameDisplayable": "+4915736429030", "requestedRoutings": [ "Standard" ], "selectedAgentId": "8bd8fd50-bc25-4b2a-aca6-2f1552992411", "sessionDnis": "tel:+496950985059", "sessionId": "c799b1ad-c11b-3aec-8887-97b0b5fa3432", "usedRouting": "Standard", "mediaEndpointStats": [ { "codecs": [ "audio/opus" ], "eventTime": "2025-01-20T08:43:23.838Z", "maxLatencyMs": 30, "minMos": 4.882669451101575, "minRFactor": 92.45497131347656, "receivedPackets": 2889 }, { "codecs": [ "audio/opus" ], "eventTime": "2025-01-20T08:43:33.931Z", "maxLatencyMs": 30, "minMos": 4.882419564365429, "minRFactor": 92.44405364990234, "receivedPackets": 497 }, { "codecs": [ "audio/PCMU" ], "eventTime": "2025-01-20T08:49:02.886Z", "maxLatencyMs": 30, "minMos": 4.391164659722279, "minRFactor": 92.29871368408203, "receivedPackets": 19826 }, { "codecs": [ "audio/opus" ], "discardedPackets": 53, "eventTime": "2025-01-20T08:49:02.888Z", "maxLatencyMs": 38, "minMos": 4.85752431738545, "minRFactor": 91.40001678466797, "receivedPackets": 16451 } ], "metrics": [ { "emitDate": "2025-01-20T08:42:25.926Z", "name": "nConnected", "value": 1 }, { "emitDate": "2025-01-20T08:49:02.839Z", "name": "tConnected", "value": 396913 } ], "segments": [ { "conference": false, "segmentEnd": "2025-01-20T08:42:25.926Z", "segmentStart": "2025-01-20T08:42:25.760Z", "segmentType": "system" }, { "conference": false, "disconnectType": "endpoint", "queueId": "f4ba3917-9786-430a-96ea-94b709ead2de", "requestedRoutingSkillIds": [ "bfb0ed09-de41-44ea-9ca9-efcbbfc65dfe" ], "segmentEnd": "2025-01-20T08:49:02.839Z", "segmentStart": "2025-01-20T08:42:25.926Z", "segmentType": "interact" } ] } ] },
As you can see there is a tConnected time in milliseconds.
Christoph Domaschke
Leiter Service Center (Cronbank)
Original Message:
Sent: 01-20-2025 04:29
From: Matsumoto Shun
Subject: Get call time in inbound flow
Thank you for your reply.
Hello, Christoph
Conversation time, sorry for the lack of explanation.
I tested with this API and got a "tConnected" response, but could not find the crucial connection time (e.g. 1:01).
Is this not the Duration Time of the interaction returned as is, or does it need to be calculated separately?
{ "mediaStatsMinConversationMos": 4.394238708459619, "participants.sessions.segments.conference": [ [ [ false, false ] ], [ [ false, false ] ] ], "participants.sessions.remote": [ null, [ "KDDI転送" ] ], "participants.sessions.mediaType": [ [ "voice" ], [ "voice" ] ], "participants.sessions.flow.exitReason": [ null, [ "FLOW_DISCONNECT" ] ], "participants.sessions.flow.entryReason": [ null, [ "tel:+81671676113" ] ], "participants.sessions.flow.entryType": [ null, [ "dnis" ] ], "participants.sessions.recording": [ [ true ], null ], "participants.sessions.metrics.value": [ [ [ 1, 61305 ] ], [ [ 1, 60782, 60782, 61331 ] ] ], "participants.sessions.mediaEndpointStats.receivedPackets": [ [ [ 3067, 3065 ] ], [ [ 3067 ] ] ], "divisionIds": [ "7ec3dcb4-7a7f-4891-8c41-6d43d405b29e" ], "participants.sessions.mediaEndpointStats.codecs": [ [ [ [ "audio/opus" ], [ "audio/PCMU" ] ] ], [ [ [ "audio/opus" ] ] ] ], "participants.sessions.segments.segmentStart": [ [ [ "2025-01-20T05:59:10.195Z", "2025-01-20T05:59:10.225Z" ] ], [ [ "2025-01-20T05:59:10.198Z", "2025-01-20T05:59:10.200Z" ] ] ], "participants.externalContactId": [ "bc9517a3-19b9-4aaf-a51c-e5b7b34d6520", null ], "participants.sessions.dnis": [ [ "tel:+81671676113" ], [ "tel:+81671676113" ] ], "participants.sessions.sessionDnis": [ [ "tel:+81671676113" ], [ "tel:+81671676113" ] ], "participants.sessions.mediaEndpointStats.minMos": [ [ [ 4.882473959813684, 4.394238708459619 ] ], [ [ 4.727397955006349 ] ] ], "participants.sessions.flow.flowType": [ null, [ "INBOUNDCALL" ] ], "": [ [ [ "nConnected", "tConnected" ] ], [ [ "nFlow", "tFlow", "tFlowDisconnect", "tIvr" ] ] ], "conversationEnd": "2025-01-20T06:00:11.531Z", "participants.sessions.segments.segmentType": [ [ [ "system", "interact" ] ], [ [ "system", "ivr" ] ] ], "participants.sessions.flow.flowName": [ null, [ "Unattended late - night reception" ] ], "participants.sessions.mediaEndpointStats.eventTime": [ [ [ "2025-01-20T06:00:11.651Z", "2025-01-20T06:00:11.651Z" ] ], [ [ "2025-01-20T06:00:11.569Z" ] ] ], "participants.sessions.provider": [ [ "Edge" ], [ "Edge" ] ], "participants.participantId": [ "37ba7711-9298-4819-b7aa-e04fbb0f6590", "3aa7aa8f-f75c-41b4-9e7f-7d9a0144d2d8" ], "participants.purpose": [ "external", "ivr" ], "conversationStart": "2025-01-20T05:59:10.195Z", "participants.participantName": [ "KDDI転送", "Unattended late - night reception" ], "conversationId": "f30ca760-5053-4562-84bf-bd085dd5c194", "participants.sessions.sessionId": [ [ "09f7939b-5001-373f-a927-f36517b3ac03" ], [ "e00aba50-bbcf-3680-86e9-95625eb1129e" ] ], "originatingDirection": "inbound", "participants.sessions.flow.flowVersion": [ null, [ "1.0" ] ], "participants.sessions.metrics.emitDate": [ [ [ "2025-01-20T05:59:10.225Z", "2025-01-20T06:00:11.530Z" ] ], [ [ "2025-01-20T05:59:10.749Z", "2025-01-20T06:00:11.531Z", "2025-01-20T06:00:11.531Z", "2025-01-20T06:00:11.531Z" ] ] ], "participants.sessions.mediaEndpointStats.maxLatencyMs": [ [ [ 30, 30 ] ], [ [ 30 ] ] ], "participants.sessions.protocolCallId": [ [ "651725622201202514599@" ], [ "3d541d57-e3a7-433d-b811-a4e9cf5e3e7b" ] ], "participants.sessions.segments.disconnectType": [ [ [ null, "peer" ] ], [ [ null, "system" ] ] ], "participants.sessions.segments.sipResponseCodes": [ [ [ null, [ 487 ] ] ], null ], "participants.sessions.flow.endingLanguage": [ null, [ "ja-jp" ] ], "participants.sessions.edgeId": [ [ "9e742e37-b633-44b2-b6f4-29b1d97d3794" ], [ "9e742e37-b633-44b2-b6f4-29b1d97d3794" ] ], "participants.sessions.segments.segmentEnd": [ [ [ "2025-01-20T05:59:10.225Z", "2025-01-20T06:00:11.530Z" ] ], [ [ "2025-01-20T05:59:10.200Z", "2025-01-20T06:00:11.531Z" ] ] ], "participants.sessions.flow.startingLanguage": [ null, [ "ja-jp" ] ], "participants.sessions.flow.flowId": [ null, [ "08ae58bd-ba7a-422b-8e68-20432ad6f71a" ] ], "mediaStatsMinConversationRFactor": 86.8587417602539, "participants.sessions.direction": [ [ "inbound" ], [ "inbound" ] ], "participants.sessions.remoteNameDisplayable": [ [ "KDDI転送" ], [ "Osaka, Japan" ] ], "participants.sessions.mediaEndpointStats.minRFactor": [ [ [ 92.44642639160156, 92.447021484375 ] ], [ [ 86.8587417602539 ] ] ], "participants.sessions.ani": [ [ "tel:08051717690" ], [ "tel:08051717690" ] ], "participants.sessions.peerId": [ null, [ "09f7939b-5001-373f-a927-f36517b3ac03" ] ]}
Matsumoto Shun
Original Message:
Sent: 01-20-2025 04:02
From: Christoph Domaschke
Subject: Get call time in inbound flow
Hello Matsumoto,
it sounds like you are talking about already finished conversations, because you mention an end time. In your original post it sounded to me, that you want to get the duration of a call while its on queue.
For already finished conversations there are better APIs: /api/v2/analytics/conversations/{conversationId}/details
There are metrics for every participant, including the customer (participant with the purpose "customer).
In customer (usually the first participant) the metric "tConnected" could be, what you are looking for. Its in milliseconds.
Christoph Domaschke
Leiter Service Center (Cronbank)
Original Message:
Sent: 01-20-2025 03:36
From: Matsumoto Shun
Subject: Get call time in inbound flow
Matsumoto Shun
Original Message:
Sent: 01-20-2025 01:44
From: Christoph Domaschke
Subject: Get call time in inbound flow
Hi Matsumoto,
nearly every conversation related API gives back the start time of the conversation. (for example: /api/v2/conversations/calls/{conversationId} has a "starttime" in the first participant). If you receive that starttime you can use the "DateTimeDiff"-function in Architect together with the "GetCurrentDateTimeUtc()"-Function to calculate the actual duration of the conversation. Maybe there is a more elegant way, but that would be my solution.
Christoph Domaschke
Leiter Service Center (Cronbank)
Original Message:
Sent: 01-19-2025 21:05
From: Matsumoto Shun
Subject: Get call time in inbound flow
Hello everyone.
Is it possible to get the following data in the inbound flow of Architect?
If so, please let me know the specific method of acquisition.
・Call time (conversation time)
This is to be stored in a specified data table using a data action.
Best regards,
Matsumoto Shun