Sr. Director - Innovation Architects
Original Message:
Sent: 01-21-2025 04:47
From: Timo Schloegel
Subject: Get export of permissions
Hi Robert, many thanks for this input. Is there any way to export the information to a .csv?
Timo Schloegel
Original Message:
Sent: 01-20-2025 12:05
From: Robert Wakefield-Carl
Subject: Get export of permissions
You can get this if you use the API to get the roles of the group using api/v2/users/{subjectId}/roles
That will list the roles assigned to a group if use the groupId as the subjectId.
Aggregate Permissions are part of that API as well.
I have added the following ideas:
Add column for number of roles assigned | Genesys Cloud Ideas Portal
Add Expand to Group list API to show | Genesys Cloud Ideas Portal
Robert Wakefield-Carl
ttec Digital
Sr. Director - Innovation Architects
Original Message:
Sent: 01-20-2025 09:52
From: Timo Schloegel
Subject: Get export of permissions
Hi everyone!
I am looking for a way to export all assigned roles of all existing groups:
Group 'Supervisor_LAX' has the role 'Agent_Recording' and 'employee' and 'Supervisor'.
Group 'Agent_LAX' has the role 'employee',
I would like to export this information for all existing groups.
Additionally, I would like to export a list (or even better a matrix) with all rights that belong to a specific role.
Role 'Supervisor' has the rights 'ACD Video > Session > View' and 'Alerting > Alert > Add' and 'Alerting > Rule > Delete'.
From this, I'd like to create an overview of which group has which roles and which permissions result out of this. I hope you can understand the basic idea behind it.
Thanks very much for your help!
Best regards
Timo Schloegel