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  • 1.  Groups - Side effects of updating in real time

    Posted 07-08-2024 10:39

    Hi: Newbie here. I inherited a Genesys Cloud CX instance with 60+ active users, and quite a few inactive accounts. Queues for our Production system were not really configured using groups because my predecessor found them to be inconvenient. As a result, quite a few inactive users were still associated to those queues. I started removing inactive users from the queues, and the CX supervisor stormed into my office claiming that I was dropping calls while doing so.

    Silly question but.... MUST I do those removals after hours, when our call center is closed to the public? Does configuring (adding new users / removing inactive ones) disrupt a queue (yikes!) If this is a newbie goof, I've probably learned my lesson...


    David Miró
    Truenorth Corp.

  • 2.  RE: Groups - Side effects of updating in real time
    Best Answer

    Posted 07-09-2024 22:18

    Hi David

    I'm sure most of us admin types have done things over the years to cause issues with live traffic.  Although I can't see a scenario where updating membership of a queue would cause calls to drop unless you have some specific preferred agent type routing setup somewhere and your flows have no error/fault handling if none of the preferred agents are around anymore.

    I would say it's best to have a really good understanding of what your in-queue flow and any flow that transfers to queues does under certain scenarios.

    Vaun McCarthy

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