Hi Jason,
Yes, I unboxed a brand new Poly Edge E350 phone yesterday and it is running software
Genesys Web UI phone controls work, except for the Hardware Mute (red light) on the phone itself.
The only other thing I found on Genesys was an article titled "Genesys Cloud WebRTC SDK Media Utility"
This statement suggests that there is NO Hardware Mute support possible:
"There is no API available for the browser to know the microphone is in a "hardware mute" state."
Original Message:
Sent: 11-05-2024 14:37
From: Jason Kleitz
Subject: Hardware Mute button support on Polycom (Poly) Edge Phones
Hello Art,
Are you able to confirm if the phones are running PVOS Software version or greater?
Jason Kleitz
Online Community Manager/Moderator
Original Message:
Sent: 11-05-2024 14:03
From: Art Tumanik
Subject: Hardware Mute button support on Polycom (Poly) Edge Phones
I have a Poly Edge 300 phone and a Polycom VVX 600 phones and I have the same problem on both:
Hardware Mute button on the phone does NOT light up when you press 'mute' on the Genesys Web UI.
I found an old post from 2018 "hardware mute" which was not yet supported by PureCloud:
Does anyone know if there is a road map for Hardware Mute support for new Poly Edge phone that were recently added in October 2024?
Reference: Poly/HP Edge E Series managed phones available in Genesys Cloud